Avoiding A Scorpion Sting
Is There A Season For Scorpions?
I am frequently asked if there is a season for scorpions. I assume that because people are asking me this question, they are seeing more scorpions than normal, but the funny thing is there really is no, “season” for scorpions, per se.
Mating Season
I will say that there are times of activity that are greater, mating season is normally July and August in the desert areas around with a gestation period of approximately one year. Depending upon the species of scorpion and the length or size of the scorpion they can have 1 to 105 offspring in their litter size, or an average of 22 – 26 babies. The juveniles will go through their first molting in 7 to 10 days, and between 11 and 15 days, they will begin to disperse from the mother’s back
Busiest Times By Season
Based on our calls for scorpions, the two busiest time of the year for scorpions is the beginning of summer and end of fall. A better description might be based on average nighttime temperatures when the temperature remains at 76° or better at night time, the scorpions remain active and continue their hunting against insect prey. As the temperatures dip in the fall, then we get more calls of scorpions invading the inside of homes and businesses.
In the spring and toward summer as our temperatures rise again, any scorpions that have overwintered inside the home or structure begin to become active and look for food. Again, we get lots of calls to come and take care of their scorpion infestations inside their buildings and homes during the springtime and early summer, and of course, nighttime time temperatures haven’t leveled out the scorpions tend to be more noticeable as they hunt in the day and come back in for warmth.
The Effect of “Monsoon Season”
Two other reasons scorpions seem more prevalent in summer time are “monsoon season” and homes that don’t maintain a regular pest control service. During our monsoon season, we tend to get heavy moments of rain, sometimes flash floods, and all this excessive rain will wash scorpions from their hiding spots in holes and cracks and crevices and so stir the activity and movement of scorpions when flooded.

Scorpion Extermination Experts
There are approximately 2000 different species of scorpions, and all of them are venomous. However, only about 25-40 species are venomous enough to cause severe damage to humans. One of the most potentially hazardous species is the bark scorpion. Most of these potentially lethal scorpions cannot kill healthy adults, but the lives of infants and the elderly are at high risk. The neurotoxins released by these pests can cause such disconcerting symptoms as convulsions and shortness of breath.
The striped bark scorpions usually hides under rocks and surface debris. They make their way inside homes through the attic during the day and then come forward at night, in search of food. Their sting can cause uncomfortable swelling and itching that can last for several days
If you have children and elders in your house, you will need to make even more of an effort to ensure your house is free from these deadly pests This preventive measure is necessary to keep your home safe and protected, and it is beneficial to call professionals to exterminate unwanted scorpions from your home.
Chemical control products may be necessary in certain situations, but rest assured that our exterminators are trained to apply these products only to areas where scorpions often hide. An exterminator from Pest Control can even examine your home for anything that may be attracting scorpions, such as water sources and debris. We can even suggest a maintenance program to minimize their population in the area
Scorpions are a year-round problem in general. However, the risk of an infestation tends to increase during summer as they love the warm weather. If scorpions have nested in your home, you will most probably need scorpion specialists for safe removal. Luckily, when it comes to scorpion specialists
So you are wondering where to get scorpion pest control that you can rely on? The realization that scorpions have infested your home can be unnerving. This is especially when you have babies and young children in the home. The last thing you want is to deal with scorpion stings in babies and young children.
Naturally, scorpions are territorial animals. Once they get in and get comfortable in your home, they will most likely not want to leave. This makes scorpion pest control very difficult, if not near impossible, especially when its DIY. At this point, you will most probably need scorpion specialists to help you with removal.
But how do scorpions enter your home, you may ask? These little creatures crawl up walls and when they find an opening, they utilize it to get in. These openings are for example holes in walls, vents, siding, small openings on the roof or foundation, or any other area. Usually, they will enter homes in search of food and shelter.
Scorpion specialists with over 10 years of experience we know where to target when treating and controlling scorpions in your home. So consistent is our service quality, that we have over 40 5-star reviews on Google, and are a top-rated scorpion exterminator on HomeAdvisor.
Scorpion Problems
If you’ve seen one, you can be sure you’ll see another. Not only do Bark Scorpions travel in packs, but the females can give birth to over 20 offspring! It doesn’t take long for a home to become infested with scorpions—especially when the scorpions have a steady supply of roaches, crickets, spiders, and other small insects
Your family’s safety is our main priority, so we don’t mind going the extra mile to keep scorpions out and away from the ones you love
We treat your entire home perimeter, specifically the that covers the gap at the base of your home foundation that allows stucco walls to breath. This gap creates a nice little shelter for scorpions to reside during the day.
He can go up to a year without food. He’s also a cannibal. He won’t hesitate to eat one of his buddies if he gets hungry enough. They can live up to six years, returning season after season, hanging around your baseboards, walls, and ceilings.
When it comes to scorpions, we recommend scheduling a second treatment within 30 days of the initial treatment. Once the scorpions are under control, we suggest moving to a bi-month (every 60 days) service plan.

Scorpion Control: How to Get Rid of Scorpions in Your Home
Scorpions. They are venomous, predatory pests that can be found on every continent in the world, except for Antarctica. They’ve been roaming the planet for over 300 million years — and can live up to 25 years old. Getting stung by one of these creatures can hurt, but in most cases, it won’t kill you. Nevertheless, you don’t want them hanging around on your property. But is pest control for scorpions the same as it is for other types of pests?
Now, before we dive into the different options for scorpion control, let’s get to know this painful creature a little better. A scorpion is part of the arachnid family because it has eight legs. However, the scorpion is very different from its 8-legged counterpart, the spider.
They range in size from 0.3 inches all the way up to 9 inches and their bodies are composed of three parts: a head, trunk, and tail. The tail contains a stinger that can be maneuvered all different ways to attack their victim. This tail is venomous, and in some cases, deadly. Scorpions also have strong pincers that can be used for grasping prey or defending themselves.
Worldwide, the number of scorpion species is around 1,750, but only 25 of them are known to be capable of killing a human with their venomous sting. Therere two different species that are known to be highly venomous – bark scorpion and the stripebacked scorpion.
However, neither of these scorpions are as lethal as the Indian red scorpion or the deathstalker. Both of these types are part of family of scorpions. A sting from either of these creatures could be deadly.