Why Commercial Cleaning Is Different From Domestic Cleaning
Tips to Select the Right Office Cleaning Company
Maintaining a sanitary and clean office is important to the success of your business. Most companies will hire a professional office cleaning service to address this, rather than hiring a janitor full-time.
Cleaning companies will usually come in after business hours and clean all areas of your office space. You will probably find a large number of cleaning companies in your city, so you will want to be sure you are choosing the right one for you
Take Inventory of Your Needs
The cleaning needs in your office may vary drastically from others. With this being said, it’s important to first take inventory of your cleaning needs before you begin to compare office cleaning companies. How many employees do you have? How many people visit your office per day? Do you have public toilets or are they reserved for employees?
Busted water pipes. Overflowing restrooms. Emergencies happen and one of the first things you will want to know is if your office cleaning company will come in on a moment’s notice to minimise the damage and clean up the mess. Most office cleaning companies in Adelaide, and other the major cities, will provide emergency cleaning services. However you need to be aware that some may charge quite a premium to come to your office in the middle of the night to clean. Make sure the company you hire is equipped and prepared to handle a wide range of cleaning catastrophes.
Cleaning Supplies
Always determine whether a cleaning company will provide supplies within agreed costs – or will you have to pay extra? Some cleaning companies will bring their supplies and equipment with them, while others prefer you have a supply closet on site where they can keep their materials. While on this subject, be sure you also find out what kinds of supplies they use. If you require green, hypoallergenic or biodegradable products, can the company ensure they will be used 100 per cent of the time?

How to choose a cleaning service
In this article, we’ll walk you through what home staging comprises of (apart from cleaning!), plus discuss the best cleaning services that you can recommend to your clients who want to give home staging a shot. Let’s jump in!
What does home staging entail?
There are various components that come into play with home staging, but by far the most important step is for homeowners to clean and tidy up their homes. It goes without saying – selling a property that’s spick and span is a lot easier than selling a property that looks like it’s owned by a hoarder!
Cleaning aside, home staging also consists of:
“De-personalizing” the space. This basically means getting rid of any personal pictures or memorabilia, and trying to achieve a “blank slate” (think: a stylish but impersonal hotel room). This way, potential viewers can actually picture themselves living in the space.
Styling the space. The closer you can get the property to looking like it belongs on the cover of Home & Decor magazine, the simpler. This isn’t as difficult as it sounds – simply accessorizing with pillows, throws, candles, and other decorative items will do the trick.
A quick and easy way to get started with home staging
Here’s the thing: most folks reach home late at night, and by that time, they’re tired out from work, and not in the mood to do a deep-clean of their apartment. To nudge your clients onto the right track, and help them get started with home staging, why not recommend them a cleaning service that they can use?
On top of that, make sure the vendor’s prices are clearly displayed, with no ambiguity or grey area. A1 Facility Services, for example, displays their pricing plans clearly and transparently on their website; their prices are pegged to the size of the apartment, and they also detail the specific tasks that their cleaners will undertake in a session.

These days most companies outsource cleaning services to professional experts. It is easier and at times cost-effective than hiring a full-time team. The cleaning service providers usually work after office hours without disturbing the daily office course.
First and one of the most important things is to focus on the experience of the companies. Having been in the market for quite some time enhances the skills and experience of the experts. This also ensures better results. They must have had exposure to various cleaning requirements of commercial, industrial, as well as residential segments.
Trust is very important when hiring a cleaning company. Yes, the latter is responsible for working meticulously that too with very less guidance or inspection, but you need to be sure that they are trustworthy.
It is important to understand all the services provided by the companies you have shortlisted. Initially, you may not require all the facilities but you wouldn’t want to run around looking for more options when you need them. Therefore, besides the basic cleaning, vacuuming, and dusting get the details of all the cleaning services provided by the companies.
Cleaning is not just a normal process. It requires qualified and trained experts. quality and safety have to be given utmost priority, hence, regular training is required. The on-site working staff should be professional and be able to take complete care of themselves, the property, the inhabitants, and the environment around.

How To Choose A Commercial Cleaning Company
Cleaning times. The number of hours spent cleaning determines quality. Franchises and contracting companies don’t use their own employees and have no way of knowing or controlling how many hours are actually spent cleaning. Privately owned companies hire their own employees and can monitor their hours to make sure they are spending sufficient time cleaning.
Standardized equipment and supplies. Franchises and subcontracting companies have no way of knowing or controlling the type of equipment and supplies that are being used because they aren’t providing the service themselves. They leave that up to the franchisee or subcontractor that accepts the job. Privately owned companies purchase their own equipment and supplies and have direct control over what their employees are using to clean your facility.
W2 employees. Privately owned companies hire and train their own W2 employees to perform the work. They can perform background checks and get references on the employees they hire. Franchises and subcontracting companies do not hire their own employees and have no control over who is hired to clean your facility.
Quality control. Privately owned companies supervise and inspect their own employees work. They can monitor their own staff to make sure they are complying with the company’s cleaning practices. Franchises and subcontractors have little control over the quality of work performed by the cleaning crews because they can’t supervise or monitor the cleaning crews themselves.

How to Choose the Right Commercial Cleaning Company
A clean, sanitary and disinfected office, business facility or commercial building is necessary for success, good image and to guarantee the health and safety of employees, clients and all visitors. Your customers demand it and your employees will thank you for it – and so will your productivity rate. But one of the most important questions is: How do you choose the correct commercial cleaning company?
The most practical, smart and cost-effective option: you can choose to outsource cleaning responsibilities to a local cleaning business. When you hire a commercial cleaning company, the company conducts cleaning after-hours (or at regular intervals in highly trafficked facilities), and the cleaning services company is responsible for tidying up, from cleaning restrooms, vacuuming, to restocking consumables, removing trash and disinfecting highly touched areas. But there is more…
Outsourcing a local cleaning provider offers numerous benefits. Businesses can avoid hiring an on-staff or salaried janitor or avoid cleaning the facilities themselves without the proper protocols. Plus, the cleanliness of your business is guaranteed with knowledge, experience, the right products, procedures and all the required licenses. Your office will always look tidy, professional and most importantly correctly disinfected and sanitized.
Reputation and Experience
Trust is necessary when hiring a business property cleaner. This company’s employees will be on your site, most frequently, after hours, after you and your employees have gone home for the day. Plus, the company is responsible for working diligently with minimal supervision from your part
Training and Screening
The best commercial property cleaners take training seriously! They work only with the most qualified and trustworthy cleaners, and they provide them with ample training to ensure quality, safety and clients satisfaction.