Your Next Rodent

Roof Rats

What are Roof Rats?

The roof rat is the smaller of the two commensal rats, as the Norway rat is larger in size. Roof rats are also referred to as black rats or ship rats. The roof rat gets its name from its tendency to find shelter in the upper parts of buildings. Once inside, roof rats not only damage materials by gnawing through them, but they also contaminate stored food and serve as vectors of dangerous diseases.

Roof rats are thought to be of Southeast Asian origin, but they are now found worldwide, especially in the tropical regions. Roof rats are common in coastal states, seaports and the southern third of the country.

What Do Roof Rats Look Like?

Roof rats are long and thin rodents that have large eyes and ears, a pointed nose and a scaly tail. Roof rats have soft and smooth fur that is typically brown with intermixed spots of black. Their undersides are often white, gray or black.

Adult roof rats measure 6-8” (16-20 cm) when combining their head and body length. Their tails are notably longer than their heads and bodies, measuring 7-10” (19-25 cm). This means that roof rats can measure more than 40 cm long. They usually weigh 5-9 ounces (150-250 g), but can grow up to 12 ounces (340 g).

Signs of an Infestation

There are many key indicators of a roof rat infestation in the home. First and foremost, seeing an actual rodent, dead or alive, is a telltale sign of a potential roof rat problem. Another common sign of a roof rat infestation is the presence of droppings around the home. Fresh roof rat droppings are soft and moist, whereas old droppings are hard and dried. The droppings usually measure about ½” (12-13 mm) and have pointed ends. Droppings from Norway rats are larger – measuring about ¾” (18-20 mm) with blunt ends. The discovery of gnaw marks, damaged goods, nests or greasy rub marks also indicates roof rat activity. Other common signs of an infestation are noises in the attic or house walls and damaged electrical wires. T

Rats and Mice

Rats and mice can be found in and around every town and farm in the country. It is estimated that there is one rat for every person living in the United States. Rodents have followed man to almost all parts of the world. They have no respect for social class; they are equal opportunity pests.

Rats and mice are so closely linked to man they are called domestic rodents. Man supplies their three basic needs: food, shelter, and water.

Rodents are a threat to health, and they interfere with our economic and physical well being.

They are destructive pests and serious safety hazards.

They start fires by gnawing on electric cables. The next time you hear the phrase “fire of unknown origin,” think about rats and mice.

They eat large amounts of food, and they contaminate even more with their urine, feces, and hair. At least 20 percent of the world’s food is eaten or contaminated by rats and mice each year.

They damage structures, books, furniture, even appliances, through gnawing and burrowing.

Worse, they spread disease to humans and other animals through their bite, by transporting fleas, lice, mites and ticks, and by leaving their droppings in food and other materials that humans contact. Rodents are vectors for bubonic plague, rat bite fever, leptospirosis, hantavirus, trichinosis, infectious jaundice, rat mite dermatitis, salmonellosis, pulmonary fever, and typhus. Mice have been linked to asthma.

Rats will bite babies in their cribs, because the smell of milk or other food on the baby is attractive to a rat looking for food. A clean baby in a clean crib is a lot safer from rat attack. To protect your baby, take the bottle away as soon it’s finished, and wash its hands and face. Do the same for any disabled or elderly persons in your household who cannot care for themselves.

Rodents can be found in our homes, supermarkets, restaurants, livestock pens, and farm fields. Warehouses, grain mills, elevators, silos and corncribs are especially vulnerable to rodent infestation. Rodents will eat anything man or his livestock eats. They are active at night. Rats are seldom seen during the day except when populations are exceedingly large. Rats and mice can crawl through very small crevices, which makes it hard to confine their movement. Even if you can’t see them, you may hear them moving after dark. If your pet paws at a wall or cabinet it may be after a lurking rodent. Cats and dogs are not much of a deterrent to rodents, however.

Usually, the first clue of a serious rodent problem is their droppings on the kitchen counter, in kitchen drawers, cabinets, or the pantry. When one dwelling is infested, it’s likely the immediate neighborhood is, too. That’s why rodents are so difficult for one homeowner to control. Rodents are a community problem. Effective control necessitates that all homeowners in a community work together to eliminate sources of food, water, and shelter. Rodents are persistent in their efforts to invade the home, but you can deal with them effectively if you know their capabilities.

A complete guide to getting rid of rats – forever!

Rats in the chicken coop are a risk. Extermination sounds cruel, but is essential for your flock’s health – and yours. Please note: Backyard chickens and rodents do not automatically go together. Rats and grain, however, do.

Good husbandry is very important – and very effective – at keeping vermin at bay. Get rid of them first, using one of these methods, and then make sure they don’t return by getting rid of uncovered grain.

My aim? To help you decide which one is best for your circumstances. Having rats in the chicken house is something no-one wants to see. And telling the difference between rats and mice is not always easy.

I was so sure I could never have a rodent problem, so convinced it was just one little weeny mouse who just needed a bit of warmth in the winter. So by the time I accepted I had rats in my coop there was an infestation of three separate nests with dozens of rats. It proved incredibly hard to deal with.

Options for getting rid of rats.

I’m neither advocating nor opposing any of these methods, with one exception. I’m just  outlining the most common methods of rodent extermination and assessing them. Some I have used personally, others I have discussed with rodent control officers

Ways to Get Rid of Mice

Say goodbye to Stuart Little! A mouse infestation can be enough to make anyone skittish. Those pesky critters can carry a plethora of dangerous diseases and cause plenty of damage to your home, tearing up walls and wiring. But never fear, you can win the war

Mice can squeeze through a hole the size of a nickel, so you need to carefully inspect your home’s interior and exterior walls as well as the foundation for holes. Large holes or cracks should be repaired; small ones can be filled with steel wool or copper scouring pads. Secure the plug to the sides of the hole so the mice cannot pull it out.

Replace cracked or broken weatherstripping around doors and windows to ensure that pests (and drafts) cannot enter. Cover the dryer vent or any other exterior vents with 1/4-inch hardware cloth. Make sure to seal up any spaces around window- or wall-mounted air conditioners

Mice won’t stick around a home that doesn’t offer a steady supply of food and water, so get rid of the obvious sources of sustenance first. Store all food (especially pet food and birdseed) in airtight containers, wipe up stovetop spills promptly, and fix any leaky faucets. Equally important, seal all trash cans tightly, and empty frequently. Then move your exterior trash cans as far away from your home as possible to avoid attracting pests.

Keeping the outside of your home clean and tidy removes potential hiding places for mice around the house, garage, and yard. Don’t allow weeds, brush, or trash to pile up near your foundation, and keep firewood well away from the house.

How to Get Rid of Rats

People don’t often see rats, but signs of their presence are easy to detect. It’s important to know which species of rat is present in order to choose effective control strategies. A successful rat control strategy typically includes three elements: sanitation measures; rodent proofing; and population control (trapping).

Sanitation measures: The most effective rat control begins with prevention. Trash should be disposed of properly, and sanitary conditions should be impeccably maintained. Both human and pet food is an incentive for rodents and should be kept in tightly sealed containers. Any standing water or moisture leaks should be addressed and/or repaired. Wood piles and other rodent shelter sites such overgrown weedy areas should be eliminated. In order to address an existing rat population, it is necessary to identify and eliminate their feeding, drinking and dwelling sites

Rodent-proofing your home: The most permanent form of rodent control is to limit food, water, shelter, and access to buildings. Rats are capable of squeezing through holes that appear to be much too small for them (as small as a quarter) so even very small holes should be sealed to prevent entry and reentry of rodents

Prevention begins by implementing the following:

Seal all possible entry points against rodent entry, such as sewers and air vents;

Repair or replace damaged ventilation screen around the foundation and under the eaves;

Provide a tight-fitting cover for the crawl space;

Seal all openings around pipes, cables, and wires that enter through walls or the foundation;

Be sure all windows that can be opened are screened and that the screens are in good condition;

Since rats often enter by climbing trees and coming through broken screens or vents make sure internal screens on roof and attic air vents are in good repair;

Cover rooftop plumbing vent pipes in excess of 2 inches in diameter with screens over their tops; and

Make sure all exterior doors are tight fitting and weatherproofed at the bottom

Population Control: Trapping is the safest and most effective method for controlling rats in and around homes and other structures. Because snap traps can be used over and over, trapping is less costly than poison baits but is also more labor intensive. Although there are a variety of types of traps (e.g., the simple, wooden trap, the newer plastic single kill traps, etc.), finding the best locations to set traps is often more important than what type of trap is used. However, because rats tend to avoid unfamiliar objects, it is often necessary to enlist the services of a local pest control professional when attempting to control an existing rat population.

Will Snake Damage My Garden


Don’t risk your family’s safety – hire a snake catcher

What would do if you found a snake in your bathroom? Well, for most people the first thing would be to scream and scamper for dear life. There is no shame in admitting what you would do when you come across this slithering reptile. But then many of our reactions towards snakes are due to lack of knowledge about them.

While there is a reason to be wary of any snake you come across because it might be venomous, a big number of them are not. Still, you can’t risk handling a snake because a bite by a venomous snake can lead to death.

What are you supposed to do when you spot a snake?

It is good to know some basic facts about snakes and this will help you in dealing with one when you encounter it. For starters, a majority of these slithering reptiles will do their best to avoid confrontations with people. When a snake sees you first, it will stay very still or slide away noiselessly. There are many instances that you might have come across a snake and you didn’t have any idea there was a snake nearby. Remember, snakes are very good at sensing sound and smell and this puts them at an advantage.

A snake will slither away when it sees you because you pose a threat to it. If, however, you see the snake before it has had a chance to evade you, try not to disturb it

Why is it important to call a snake catcher?

You need not panic when you see a snake in your home. Stay calm and make conscious decisions. Remember that the snake is frightened, just as you are, if not more

Where do snakes go when it’s cold?

Snakes often disappear in the winter months, but does that mean they are gone until summer? The answer is no… and yes. Let us explain.

Do snakes hibernate?

Many people are familiar with hibernation, the winter practice of some mammals such as bears, and even some plants. It is commonly thought that snakes also hibernate because we don’t see them as much in the colder months, but this assumption is mistaken and could lead to unexpected – and likely unwanted – snake run-ins.

Hibernation is the state of very deep sleep where the animals or plants will stay dormant to conserve energy until the cold season passes. For example, bears will often gorge on food to build up their fat stores then go into hibernation because their food source will be very low in the winter months. The hibernation state helps them survive the winter by lowering their body temperature, slowing their heartbeat and breathing, depressing their metabolism, and exerting little to no energy. Their bodies then use up the stored fats to maintain their necessary body processes and to keep them warm through the season.

What is brumation?

Since snakes are cold-blooded animals, they will become less active in the cooler months because they will be lethargic from the cold temperatures. During the winter months, snakes and other reptiles will enter brumation. While this is similar to hibernation, brumation is different.

Brumation does not require the same amount of sleep as hibernation. Yes, reptiles sleep during brumation. However, they wake and need to forage for food and water during this time. When necessary, they will go and find food and water then return to a state of brumation for longer periods. Because the snakes are using less energy, they can go much longer than usual between feedings.



Watching bats on documentaries is fascinating. When they’re in your home, however, the only thing you’re fascinated by is how they got into your home.

Check out these common ways that bats can enter your home:

Through loose shingles

Through gaps in fascia

Through openings in your attic


The fear of snakes (ophidiophobia) is just as common as that of spiders (arachnophobia).  You might be surprised to know that there are 25 different species of snakes

The two most common snake calls we receive are when a snake gets inside of a home and the homeowner needs help with removal or a customer finds a snake outside in the garden or flower bed and does not want them around


When a snake is found inside a home or business it’s a definite problem, but it’s an indirect issue. The real problem is an opening somewhere that allowed the snake to get inside.

We’ll also set traps to capture the snake or remove them by hand and relocate the snake(s) to a suitable habitat. This service is similar to a rodent service. It’s common to have mice and snakes because they fit inside the same-sized holes in a home or business. These holes are often found around poorly-installed exterior plumbing pipes and electrical lines. Other common areas are foundation gaps, holes in the garage, or under doors.


We encourage homeowners to keep vegetation short.  This decreases the potential for hiding places.  Second, we recommend sealing up any gaps under concrete, sheds, or other areas where you know snakes could be hiding. Third, you might consider a general pest control and rodent service. This service targets the snake’s food sources. Without food and shelter, snakes are far less likely to visit the area.  The fourth and final thing that we can do is inspect the property and physically remove the snakes and relocate them to a suitable habitat.  This sounds easy but murphy’s law would suggest that the snakes are never there when the technician is there.  There are also some repellents on the market that claim to repel snakes from your yard. We have used them before and some of our customers swear by it, while it does not have much effect on others.

Are Snakes Nesting on Your Property?

If you’ve been hearing strange noises throughout your home, or you’ve seen snakes in your yard and feel concerned that some might have made their way into your home, you’ll need to act quickly. Snakes sometimes burrow in walls and crawlspaces in a home to nest and lay eggs in the winter months.

No matter the kind of snake, the last thing you want is a family of reptiles hibernating in your home this holiday season. We’re going to look at some of the ways you can identify signs of a snake infestation, and what you should do if you find one.

Why It’s Important to Get Rid of Snakes

While many species of snakes are not harmful to humans — and even poisonous ones, like rattlesnakes, only bite when provoked — most people simply feel uncomfortable about the idea of having a snake in their home. However, even if you don’t mind these slithery reptiles, it’s important to get rid of them as quickly as possible if you want to protect yourself and your property.

Signs of Snakes in Your Home

While the most obvious way to determine you have a snake problem is actually spotting the animals, finding evidence of snakes isn’t always easy, particularly in winter, when the creature might nest inside of your walls to protect itself from the cold. Snakes don’t leave damage behind like mice or rats. Once they enter your home, they often remain in hiding for months.

However, there are some signs you can look for around your house:

Snake skin: Many snakes shed their skin as they grow. The dry, scaly skin may either be in a whole sheet, or in a crumpled heap somewhere close to an entrance into the walls of your home.

Slither tracks: If you’re inspecting a dusty area or crawlspace, you might notice tracks that indicate where a snake has come by.

Odor: A lot of snakes have a very distinctive smell. If you notice a strange scent in a crawlspace or other area that wasn’t there before, it may be a cause for concern.

Droppings: Snake droppings are very distinctive. They often look like bird feces, but they sometimes include hair and bones from their prey.

Avoiding A Scorpion Sting

Is There A Season For Scorpions?

I am frequently asked if there is a season for scorpions.  I assume that because people are asking me this question, they are seeing more scorpions than normal, but the funny thing is there really is no, “season” for scorpions, per se.

Mating Season

I will say that there are times of activity that are greater, mating season is normally July and August in the desert areas around with a gestation period of approximately one year.  Depending upon the species of scorpion and the length or size of the scorpion they can have 1 to 105 offspring in their litter size, or an average of 22 – 26 babies.  The juveniles will go through their first molting in 7 to 10 days, and between 11 and 15 days, they will begin to disperse from the mother’s back

Busiest Times By Season

Based on our calls for scorpions, the two busiest time of the year for scorpions is the beginning of summer and end of fall.  A better description might be based on average nighttime temperatures when the temperature remains at 76° or better at night time, the scorpions remain active and continue their hunting against insect prey.  As the temperatures dip in the fall, then we get more calls of scorpions invading the inside of homes and businesses.

In the spring and toward summer as our temperatures rise again, any scorpions that have overwintered inside the home or structure begin to become active and look for food.  Again, we get lots of calls to come and take care of their scorpion infestations inside their buildings and homes during the springtime and early summer, and of course, nighttime time temperatures haven’t leveled out the scorpions tend to be more noticeable as they hunt in the day and come back in for warmth.​

The Effect of “Monsoon Season”

Two other reasons scorpions seem more prevalent in summer time are “monsoon season” and homes that don’t maintain a regular pest control service.  During our monsoon season, we tend to get heavy moments of rain, sometimes flash floods, and all this excessive rain will wash scorpions from their hiding spots in holes and cracks and crevices and so stir the activity and movement of scorpions when flooded.

Scorpion Extermination Experts

There are approximately 2000 different species of scorpions, and all of them are venomous. However, only about 25-40 species are venomous enough to cause severe damage to humans. One of the most potentially hazardous species is the bark scorpion. Most of these potentially lethal scorpions cannot kill healthy adults, but the lives of infants and the elderly are at high risk. The neurotoxins released by these pests can cause such disconcerting symptoms as convulsions and shortness of breath.

The striped bark scorpions usually hides under rocks and surface debris. They make their way inside  homes through the attic during the day and then come forward at night, in search of food. Their sting can cause uncomfortable swelling and itching that can last for several days

If you have children and elders in your house, you will need to make even more of an effort to ensure your house is free from these deadly pests This preventive measure is necessary to keep your home safe and protected, and it is beneficial to call professionals to exterminate unwanted scorpions from your home.

Chemical control products may be necessary in certain situations, but rest assured that our exterminators are trained to apply these products only to areas where scorpions often hide. An exterminator from Pest Control can even examine your home for anything that may be attracting scorpions, such as water sources and debris. We can even suggest a maintenance program to minimize their population in the area


Scorpions are a year-round problem in general. However, the risk of an infestation tends to increase during summer as they love the warm weather. If scorpions have nested in your home, you will most probably need scorpion specialists for safe removal. Luckily, when it comes to scorpion specialists


So you are wondering where to get scorpion pest control that you can rely on? The realization that scorpions have infested your home can be unnerving. This is especially when you have babies and young children in the home. The last thing you want is to deal with scorpion stings in babies and young children.


Naturally, scorpions are territorial animals. Once they get in and get comfortable in your home, they will most likely not want to leave. This makes scorpion pest control very difficult, if not near impossible, especially when its DIY. At this point, you will most probably need scorpion specialists to help you with removal.

But how do scorpions enter your home, you may ask? These little creatures crawl up walls and when they find an opening, they utilize it to get in. These openings are for example holes in walls, vents, siding, small openings on the roof or foundation, or any other area. Usually, they will enter homes in search of food and shelter.

Scorpion specialists with over 10 years of experience we know where to target when treating and controlling scorpions in your home. So consistent is our service quality, that we have over 40 5-star reviews on Google, and are a top-rated scorpion exterminator on HomeAdvisor.

Scorpion Problems

If you’ve seen one, you can be sure you’ll see another. Not only do Bark Scorpions travel in packs, but the females can give birth to over 20 offspring! It doesn’t take long for a home to become infested with scorpions—especially when the scorpions have a steady supply of roaches, crickets, spiders, and other small insects

Your family’s safety is our main priority, so we don’t mind going the extra mile to keep scorpions out and away from the ones you love

We treat your entire home perimeter, specifically the that covers the gap at the base of your home foundation that allows stucco walls to breath. This gap creates a nice little shelter for scorpions to reside during the day.

He can go up to a year without food. He’s also a cannibal. He won’t hesitate to eat one of his buddies if he gets hungry enough. They can live up to six years, returning season after season, hanging around your baseboards, walls, and ceilings.

When it comes to scorpions, we recommend scheduling a second treatment within 30 days of the initial treatment. Once the scorpions are under control, we suggest moving to a bi-month (every 60 days) service plan.

Scorpion Control: How to Get Rid of Scorpions in Your Home

Scorpions. They are venomous, predatory pests that can be found on every continent in the world, except for Antarctica. They’ve been roaming the planet for over 300 million years — and can live up to 25 years old. Getting stung by one of these creatures can hurt, but in most cases, it won’t kill you. Nevertheless, you don’t want them hanging around on your property. But is pest control for scorpions the same as it is for other types of pests?

Now, before we dive into the different options for scorpion control, let’s get to know this painful creature a little better. A scorpion is part of the arachnid family because it has eight legs. However, the scorpion is very different from its 8-legged counterpart, the spider.

They range in size from 0.3 inches all the way up to 9 inches and their bodies are composed of three parts: a head, trunk, and tail. The tail contains a stinger that can be maneuvered all different ways to attack their victim. This tail is venomous, and in some cases, deadly. Scorpions also have strong pincers that can be used for grasping prey or defending themselves.

Worldwide, the number of scorpion species is around 1,750, but only 25 of them are known to be capable of killing a human with their venomous sting. Therere two different species that are known to be highly venomous – bark scorpion and the stripebacked scorpion.

However, neither of these scorpions are as lethal as the Indian red scorpion or the deathstalker. Both of these types are part of family of scorpions. A sting from either of these creatures could be deadly.

Facts And Truths About How To Prevent Cockroaches

Using Traps to Get Rid of Roaches

Homemade traps are a great way to attract the roaches to a source and trap them. Although this won’t get rid of a huge amount it will at at least keep some pesky roaches away from food and living areas.

Glass Jar Trap

A simple glass jar can be used as an effective trap. You can put any number of attractive things in it including peanut butter, food scraps or coffee. Creating a trap out of a glass jar, water and an attractive meal or smell can get some of those roaches out of your way.

  • Get an empty, clean glass jar and fill it half way with water.
  • Smear some vaseline around the inside top of the jar to make it slippery and hard for them to escape.
  • Add some stuff to attract them e.g. coffee granules.
  • Mix it up and place in different areas of the house. Once a few roaches have entered the trap and died get rid of them and re-make the trap.

Borax and Sugar Trap

Cockroaches are attracted to the sweet stuff but borax will inevitably kill them so this is a perfect and cheap trap to construct. Don’t feel too deterred if you don’t find many dead cockroaches with this one as any roach that steps on it will then take it back to the nest and will act as a poison to the rest of them killing them at the source. It is NOT advised to use this method if you have small children or pets as Borax is very toxic if ingested. Keep it out of reach or use a different kind of trap.

  • Mix equal parts of Borax and sugar.
  • Put this into a container or tray and place anywhere in the house where you get a high number of roaches. You should see dead roaches within a matter of hours.

Cucumber with an Aluminium Can

Some say this is effective while others don’t but have a go and see if it works for you. Apparently the roaches will be attracted to the cucumber but then putting cucumber into an aluminium can causes a chemical reaction that gives off a putrid smell that cockroaches can die from. Not overly sure if this is the case but worth a try!

  • Get some fresh cucumber peels and an aluminium can.
  • Rub vaseline on the inside of the can to stop the cockroaches from being able to escape.
  • Place the cucumber into the can and place in a convenient place.
  • Check after several hours to see if any have been caught.

What Attracts Cockroaches to a Clean House?

 So what attracts cockroaches to a clean house? Cockroaches are extremely versatile pests. They have a very wide-ranging diet and will eat just about anything you can imagine. They have highly tuned water-finding senses and are experts at hiding. All of these adaptations allow them to survive in just about any environment. Roaches also pose health concerns to humans. They are known to carry diseases and can trigger allergies and asthma. They are also extremely hard to get rid of once you have cockroaches in the house. But how do cockroaches get in your clean house?


Some areas are more prone to cockroaches than others. The southeastern United States, especially Georgia, Florida, and Alabama, are home to a large population of American cockroaches (also known as palmetto bugs). If you live in these areas you can expect to see these pests in your home despite cleaning on a regular basis. Unlike German cockroaches, American cockroaches aren’t associated with unsanitary conditions. They may enter your home through a gap in a window seal or through a door that is left open for a prolonged period of time.


Roaches come into your home in search of three things: food, shelter, and water. They have also developed the ability to use even the smallest of openings as an entryway into your house. They can come in through cracks in the exterior walls, dryer vents, or even the gaps between walls and floors. Perform a thorough evaluation of the exterior of your home and seal any entry points you find.


Roaches need moisture to survive and this search for water will bring them into even the cleanest of homes. Leaky pipes and faucets are one of the most common attractants for cockroaches and is one of the main reasons you often see them in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. They will also hide out under refrigerators and air conditioning units to indulge in their condensation, and even drink from pets’ water bowls when left out overnight. Roaches love places that are dark and undisturbed so you can often find them in basements, in the dark corners of cabinets, and underneath large appliances, especially those that use water.

Food Sources

Roaches will seek out food sources wherever they can find them. Despite your best efforts to keep your kitchen spotless, these resilient pests will make do with just about anything to eat. In fact, they have been known to feast on cardboard, wallpaper paste, book bindings, grease, leather, soap, and even human hair. They can often be found hiding out in stacks of cardboard in your attic and garage, books that you’ve stored away for extended periods of time, and even behind pictures that have been hanging on the walls.

Types of roaches

Roaches have flat, oval bodies with a small head and six legs. Young roaches are pale, but they become darker in color as they mature. There are several different types of roaches in our region, including Oriental (also called water bugs), wood, German, and American roaches.

Oriental roaches, common in Ohio, are black and 1- to 1.5-inches long. Male Oriental roaches have short wings, though they can’t fly.

Wood roaches are brown and 1- to 1.75-inches long. Like Oriental roaches, male wood roaches have wings; however, this type of roach can fly.

German cockroaches are brown with dark stripes behind the head, and about half an inch long.

American cockroaches are reddish-brown with wings, and up to 1.5-inches long.

Insecticide Treatment

Although good housekeeping is helpful, insecticides are usually necessary to eliminate infestations, especially of German cockroaches, which are highly prolific. Cockroaches spend little time out in the open; places that are hard to see and reach is where they tend to be. Dark, secluded areas near food, warmth, and moisture are preferred so a bright flashlight helps when performing inspections. Emphasis should be on finding and treating preferred harborage locations, rather than randomly spraying baseboards, countertops and other exposed surfaces. If key harborage areas are missed problems are likely to continue.              

Many types of insecticides are available for controlling cockroaches. Most are sold as liquid or aerosol sprays, while some are formulated as edible baits or dusts. Always read and follow product instructions.  This will help you to achieve optimal results while using the product safely. Many insecticides require the removal of food and utensils from treated areas. Removing such items often makes areas more accessible for treatment and prevents possible contamination by the insecticide.

Sprays – When using sprays, target the areas where cockroaches prefer to hide. As mentioned previously, this will vary depending upon the species. Be sure to spray any aggregations or areas with fecal spotting. Avoid spraying walls, floors, baseboards and countertops since cockroaches spend very little time in these areas. (Any roaches that do happen to traverse these areas are unlikely to remain on treated surfaces long enough to absorb a lethal dose.)

Dusts – A few insecticides used for cockroach control are applied as dusts or powders. Most familiar to householders are boric acid and diatomaceous earth. For controlling cockroaches, boric acid tends to be more effective. Roaches succumb to boric acid after crawling over treated surfaces. The tiny particles of powder adhere to the insect’s body, and are ingested as the cockroach preens them from its legs and antennae. Boric acid retains its potency almost indefinitely as long as the dust deposit remains dry.

Insecticide forms of boric acid are sold in bulk cans or a plastic squeeze bottle with a narrow applicator tip. For best results, the dust should be applied as a fine deposit barely visible to the naked eye. Cockroaches tend to avoid heavy accumulations of the powder, much as we would avoid walking through a snowdrift. The easiest way to apply such a small amount is with a ‘bulb’ or ‘bellows’ hand duster sold in hardware stores or online. Key areas to apply boric acid for German cockroaches include crevices along the edges and corners of cabinets; the wall/floor junction behind refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher; and puffed into openings where plumbing from sinks, etc. enter walls. Another potential hiding place for German cockroaches is the void (hollow space) under kitchen and bathroom cabinets. This area can be treated by puffing powder through preexisting cracks at the top of the kick panel. Accessing areas behind dishwashers, stoves, etc., may require removal of the front panel.

Prevention and monitoring

Prevention and monitoring are critical to avoiding a serious cockroach infestation. Fortunately, there are steps you can take at home to limit cockroach activity and prevent future infestations. Store food in sealed containers and keep pet dishes covered.

Keep stove tops, counters and floors clean of grease and food.

Repair plumbing leaks.

Seal cracks and holes near doors, windows and other areas of the home.

Monitor your home for signs of cockroaches: eggs, droppings, shed skins.

Must Learn To Keep Racoon Away From Your HOme

How to Prevent Raccoons in Homes and Businesses

Instead of removing raccoons after they become a problem, you can also take some precautionary measures to prevent raccoons from taking over your home or business. Here are a few tips on how to keep these masked bandits out so you can continue living in harmony with one another:

1. Regularly Inspect Your Home or Business and Make Necessary Repairs

Since raccoons can gain entry to your home or business through holes, uncapped chimneys, busted vents or any other roof openings, it’s vital to keep an eye on things so you notice if something is out of the ordinary. If you find any visible signs of raccoons or even loose siding or shingles, make the repairs necessary to keep everything in great condition to keep raccoons out.

2. Keep Trash Somewhere Safe

If raccoons are a big problem in your area, consider keeping your trash sealed and locked in somewhere such as a shed. You may even want to secure the garbage can lid with cinder blocks or bungee cords as an extra preventative measure since raccoons are very smart.

3. Clean Your Yard

Any branches, leaves or other debris could act as an ideal hiding spot or living area for raccoons, so make sure you mow your grass and clean up your yard regularly to avoid anything piling up. Keep firewood at least 20 feet or so from the building in winter as raccoons may use it to build a shelter. You should also remove things like bird feeders and fruit or produce from gardens.

4. Protect Your Pets

Make sure your pets are up to date with their rabies vaccinations and seal any pet entry doors in the evening to prevent raccoon entry.

What Kind of Damage Can Raccoons Do?

Raccoons can be pretty messy. Just ask anyone who has had the misfortune seeing their garbage can toppled over, the contents of which have been strewn all over the lawn. Now imagine what they can do if left for any time inside your home.

When raccoons take up residence inside an attic they are capable of causing tremendous amounts of property damage. We often find that the damage raccoons do to gain entry to your attic is the tip of the iceberg compared to what they do once inside. In very little time, a family of raccoons is capable of destroying your insulation and filling your attic with harmful and odorous urine and feces.


With the average raccoon weighing in at 25-30 lb (11-14 kg) they can quickly trample and compress attic insulation simply by walking around. Pregnant female raccoons will compact and clear large areas of the attic to comfortably rest and nurse their young. All of this activity serves to damage your insulation and reduce its effectiveness. A properly insulated attic is critical to keeping your home warm in winter and cool in the summer. Raccoon damage can cost you thousands of dollars in inflated heating and cooling bills.

Urine and Feces

An even scarier thought for many is the fact that raccoons will use your attic as a giant litter box. The amount of urine and feces produced by a single raccoon is enough to create some serious health concerns. These problems are multiplied when as many as eight babies are born and raised just inches above your ceiling.

One of the most significant dangers associated with raccoons can be found in their feces. Baylisascaris is an infection caused by a roundworm contained in raccoon excrement. The roundworm eggs are often found inside raccoon droppings and if ingested by humans can cause severe damage to the nervous system or death.

Do Raccoons Attack People?

Whether or not raccoons will attack people depends on the situation. Raccoons will attack if they feel threatened and particularly if they are sick. Raccoons will attack people only if they feel threatened, and they can inflict serious injuries. Not only that raccoons can hurt a person with scratching and biting, but they can also transmit serious diseases, like rabies. Even though raccoons will not purposefully attack humans to prey on them or kill, they will attack in self-defense or to defend their litter. For these reasons, people are not recommended to try and trap raccoons on their own and try to transport and relocate them outside of cage traps.

Raccoons will definitely attack in self-defense. The examples of these situations are numerous, like if a homeowner surprises and scares a raccoon in a small space, where the animal can’t escape safely, or when a homeowner attempts to grab a raccoon using their hands. Another example of a risky situation is when a homeowner attempts to move the animal out of the trap on their own, touching the animal and not giving it the space to escape and find shelter. Trying to handle a raccoon on your own can be particularly dangerous if a person is not absolutely sure that the animal is not protecting their litter, which can be near. In this situation, a raccoon will act aggressively to protect its young, and this is a situation where a raccoon will try to chase a person away with biting and scratching. Normally, the animal’s reaction would be to try to get away and attack only in cornered, but protecting a litter is the strongest instinct in animals, and this is the situation where a raccoon will decide to purposefully attack a person.


  • Scare them out. Use caution! Just making your presence known will usually do it. Go into the attic a few times a day with a flashlight. Shine the light on them and talk to them. But if touched or threatened, by being cornered or feeling boxed in, they will defend themselves and they are quite adept at doing so.
  • If there are babies, give the mother 1 or 2 nights to relocate the family.
  • Roll some rags into a tight ball and tie with twine to keep them tight. Soak the rag balls in ammonia. Toss them into the area of the attic where the raccoon is located.
  • If you can, sprinkle Cayenne pepper or Repel® granules, a commercial dog and cat repellant, around the entry hole, both inside and out, if this is possible.
  • During the day, place a radio in the attic tuned to an all talk station.
  • Use floodlights to keep the area where they are living well lit.
  • Once the raccoon has moved out, secure their entry point. Use hardware cloth or welded wire.
  • They usually won’t come back. If you want to use a repellant, then you can either Sprinkle Repel® granules or Cayenne pepper around the entrance area, if that is possible; or use a repellant, such as Ropel®, sprayed around the entrance area.

Is That Raccoon Rabid?

If you see a raccoon in your yard during the day, don’t panic—she is not necessarily sick or dangerous. It’s perfectly normal for raccoons to be active throughout the day. She may merely be foraging longer hours to support her young, visiting a garden while the dogs are indoors, or moving to a new location.

Key in on the behavior of the raccoon before calling for assistance. Look for:

  • Staggering gait
  • An animal seemingly oblivious to noise or nearby movement
  • Erratic wandering
  • Discharge from eyes or mouth
  • Wet and matted hair on face
  • Repeated high-pitch vocalization
  • Self-mutilation

If you see a raccoon showing these signs, call your local animal control or police department.

Best Ways To Squirrel Proof Our Bird Feeders

What Should You Not Feed Squirrels?

If you like feeding squirrels, you want to make sure that the food you give them isn’t dangerous. The two main issues with feeding squirrels are filling them up on foods that have little or no nutritional value or foods that are outright dangerous.

Junk Food

This includes salted and sugared snacks. Just like in humans, these are fillers and have little nutritional value. The salt is also very bad of squirrels while the sugar has much the same effect as in children. Squirrels are hyper naturally and sugar gets them even more excited which is bad for their overall health. Other junk food such as pizza, hot dogs and so on are very bad for squirrels and aren’t part of their natural diet.


You can feed squirrels a little corn cut up in pieces but never a whole since squirrels have a tendency to overeat, sometimes even to death. Corn also turns sour quickly and grows mould so make sure that the corn is good to eat before feeding. Mouldy or sour corn can be toxic and even fatal to squirrels.

Breakfast Cereals

Breakfast cereals have no nutritional value for squirrels. They are happy to gorge themselves but this is basically filler that does nothing for them. This can easily lead to severe malnutrition. Cereal is definitely not part of a squirrel’s natural diet.

Pet Food

Doesn’t matter if it cat or dog food, again, meats aren’t part of a squirrels natural diet. Squirrels are vegetarian and can actually die from pet food for its high meat content.

Feed squirrels nuts, fruits and vegetables that are found in your local area.

Why you shouldn’t feed the squirrels

We actually don’t encourage feeding squirrels. I know some people find enjoyment in this but there are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • If squirrels are dependent on handouts, it can prevent them from foraging on natural food sources. This can lead to health issues if they’re not getting the proper nutrients.
  • Squirrels can lose their natural fear of people when they begin to associate people with food. While you love squirrels, others in your neighborhood may not and could react differently to a bold or approaching squirrel.
  • Feeding can also cause an unnatural number of squirrels to congregate in an area, larger than what the surrounding natural resources can support. This can lead to an increase in the spread of diseases.
  • It can also spell problems with your neighbours if squirrels start digging up their flowerbeds, chewing on their windowsills or nesting in their attic.

However, just because you shouldn’t feed squirrels doesn’t mean there isn’t anything you can do for your backyard visitors.

How to Attract Squirrels to Your Backyard

Squirrels are found all across North America in both rural and urban settings. While many people try to repel squirrels from their backyard, others appreciate the flurry of activity these fluffy rodents add to a landscape. Attracting wildlife, such as squirrels, to your backyard requires a variety of strategies to make your home’s landscape friendly and inviting.

  • Provide natural cover in the forms of hedges, shrubs, tall stands of ornamental grass, and stacks of wood or logs. Squirrels are naturally skittish and don’t like wide open spaces, and thick vegetation throughout your landscape provides them the cover that makes them feel safe and comfortable.
  • Plant a few squirrel-friendly trees. Such trees have various qualities that specifically attract squirrels, such as edible nuts or flowers, branching structure that creates the hollows and crooks that squirrels like to build their nests in, and easily scalable bark. Examples of trees popular with several types of squirrels include conifers such as spruces and pines, and deciduous trees such as willows and aspens.
  • Offer squirrels food to quickly attract the hungry rodents. Scatter corn on the ground at the base of trees, hang corn cobs from tree branches, and fill bird feeders with nuts that are popular with squirrels, such as walnuts, hickory nuts and acorns. Replace the food as it gets depleted.
  • Provide a source of fresh, clean water in a shallow tray or bowl. Place several of these dishes throughout your landscape near shelter, such as a shrub or the base of a tree. This is especially attractive to squirrels and other wildlife in the summer. If you live in an area where natural sources of water are frozen during the winter, a water heater, such as the type commonly used in bird baths, can keep the water warm and accessible to squirrels.

What Is Poisonous to Squirrels?

Many people wish to poison squirrels because they view them as “vermin” that harm crops or spread disease. Other people may be curious as to how squirrels can eat so many foods that are poisonous to human beings, such as acorns and poisonous mushrooms.


Squirrels have a short digestive tract that allows them to handle many foods that humans cannot. Because the foods are not in the system long enough to make a difference, trace amounts of poison found in acorns, mushrooms and other problematic natural foods do not bother squirrels.

Most preferred forms of legal poison for squirrels are anti-coagulation poisons. These interfere with blood-clotting abilities of squirrels, leading to their death.


If you feed “the birds,” stray cats or any other animals outside, you are inviting a squirrel problem into your yard. Stop feeding any animals outside, and squirrels will have to forage elsewhere.

Diseases Squirrels Carry

Squirrels are known to carry numerous diseases, though only a few are dangerous to humans. Some of the more common include tularemia, typhus, plague, and ringworm. Such diseases are transmitted through bites or other forms of direct contact with infected squirrels. Tularemia, typhus, and plague have symptoms that mimic the flu and can be deadly when left untreated. While all mammals are capable of getting rabies, squirrels are very rarely rabid.

Parasites and Disease

Other diseases squirrels transmit to humans come from the various parasites they carry. Rife with parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mites, squirrels living in proximity to homes frequently pass these tiny pests on to both humans and pets. Some of the diseases humans can get from the parasites include Lyme disease, Encephalitis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Avoiding Squirrel Diseases

Keeping squirrels off your property and out of houses is the best way to ensure the health and safety of both homeowners and their pets. While screening and capping vents and chimneys is effective, entry points like windows, doors, and holes in the roof should also be properly sealed.

How To Tell If You Have Swarmer Termites And What To Do About It

Choosing a Professional Termite Pest Control Company

Choosing a Professional Termite Pest Control Company

Make sure the company offers a guarantee, understand the terms and conditions and how long the guarantee is offered. A good reputation in the market is a good indicator of good service. Check your local Better Business Bureau or Department of Agriculture, to see if complaints have been filed against the potential company you have in mind.

Verify that your selected firm is a member of your state pest control association and the National Pest Control Association. Membership in the National, and state or local pest control associations is a good indicator that the company has access to modern technical information. In the area of termite pest control, their commitment to further education is important, particularly with the newer termite baits and baiting techniques on the market.

It is important to request the plan of work revealing sites of termite activity and treatment procedures. Ask for written information on chemical treatment procedures, bait station placements, repair of wood work, warranties, and copies of insecticide labels.

Compare bids before making decisions. Ask about liability insurance.

Follow-up inspections should be included in any termite treatments. Extermination contracts should include annual or semi-annual inspections to verify that a treated home is not reinfested.

Seek at least 3 different proposals.

Annual Termite Pest Control Contracts:

Many people think that an annual contract means that the pest control company re-treats your house every year. But this is not the case unless there is evidence of termite activity in the house, annual treatments are illegal under both state and federal law.

The pest control company provides an annual termite inspection of your home in the annual contract. If you or the company find evidence of termite activity, (and you are under contract) then the company is liable for termite treatments. In most cases, the termite treatment in your house carries a one-year guarantee from the pest control company. After the year ends, and the contract is up for is always a question of a need to renew the contract or not.

The cost of a renewal is typically between $150-$400, depending on the size and construction of the house.

If you are planning to sell your home within a couple of years, a contract would be advisable. It will include a clearance letter for mortgage companies in the event of a sale. If termites are discovered at this time of inspection, the pest control company is liable for termite treatments.

You do want to consider whether the pest control company will allow their contract to be transferred to a new homeowner or does it terminate the contract.

If you are not selling your home in a few years and you feel comfortable doing Home inspections, you wouldn’t need the annual contract. However, upon finding evidence of termites, you would need to either do your own termite treatment or look for a termite service company at this point.

Choosing a Termite & Pest Control Professional

When you have a pest problem, you want to know that you are going to get quality service from your Pest Professional and that they are going to provide the professional service that you need. You expect the best, and you need it taken care of as quickly and efficiently as possible.

In order to get the quality service you need from our Pest Professionals in Arizona, you will want to use the following steps to ensure you get the best:

Find out if the pest professionals have experience with your type of pest problem. Some pest control companies specialize and you will want a company with expertise for your specific pest problem. Best practice – get references; there really is no substitute for this. Go with one that comes with referrals from your friends or relatives that have used the company. Find out if the Pest Professionals are trained and licensed. Look to see if there are any guarantees.

If they are dealing with termites, you also want to know if they have liability insurance. Get a few estimates before you buy; then compare services offered and price before you choose one. Find out how long the service is good for by reviewing the contract. It will state how many months they will service your home or business. Learn what chemicals the Pest Professionals in your area use and how they are distributed in your home or business. Note that warmer climates may require a wider usage. Understand how often treatments are repeated and how many treatments are covered in the contract. For termite contracts, find out if the damaged wood will be replaced, and when inspections will be performed. Ask about the type of chemicals being used read the labels.

Find out what the Pest Control Company will do in the way of prevention, how long it will take, and how often they need to return for inspections, cleanup, etc.

Depending on the particular pest, your service professional should always perform the services as covered in the Agreement. Do not expect anything to be done for you if it is not in print. Make sure that you understand all aspects of the Agreement, too, before you sign anything. Ask questions if you need to.

Termite Exterminator Tips

Pests can be a major problem for your home, especially if you don’t know how to properly dispose of them. One of the most destructive invaders is the termite. These pesky little insects can find their way into your home and quickly destroy beams, walls, floors, and furniture. The problem with these sneaky intruders is that they are hard to detect. If you suspect that you may have a termite problem or want to be sure you are protected against them, the best way to go about it is to consult a pest professional

Termite Knowledge

An exterminator should have a thorough knowledge of his craft; this means knowing all there is to know about pests like termites. There are many different termites: Drywood, Dampwood, Formosan, Subterranean, Conehead, and Desert just to name a few.

Service and Recommendations

A pest control expert should not only be knowledgeable, but they should be well-known for impeccable service. Cleansing your home is a process and it should be as painless as possible. A good termite exterminator will inspect your home thoroughly before drawing up a treatment plan.

Spot and Treat an Infestation

A quality pest control expert will be able to pinpoint possible areas of infestation and any entry spots that your home may have. If you have a possible infestation the right exterminator will give your home a thorough investigation assessing areas like cracks in the cement, walls, floors, attics and even furniture. Before any treatments can be done, your property must have an inspection; termites can be difficult to spot by the untrained eye

Know Different Treatment Options

There are multiple ways an exterminator can treat your home. Depending on what you are looking for, it is a good idea to find a pest control specialist who will provide many options

Dos and Don’ts of Choosing a Termite Company

Finding a bunch of termites lurking around your property can be disheartening to say the least. If you are dealing with any unwanted pests, you need to turn to the help of a licensed pest control company who can get rid of the termites for you. However, it isn’t always easy to find a company that is going to work for you and your needs. As you prepare to find a termite control company, there are a few dos and don’ts to bear in the back of your mind.

Find out what type of insurance the company offers.

This is especially important when it comes to dealing with termite infestations. You homeowners’ insurance policy isn’t going to cover problems with termites or repairs, which means you have to be proactive in finding a reputable company who knows what it takes to get the termites out of the house and prevent additional infestations from creeping in. If there is a damage clause in your service contract, you need to make sure you have a thorough understanding of what the warranty covers and what it doesn’t.

Only hire someone that can meet the licensing requirements for your state.

Licensing requirements are going to vary from one state to the next. Some states are a lot stricter than others when it comes to what they require from contractors. You want to make sure that the company you are looking to hire has the proper licensing in place for your state. Ask to speak to some of their other customers to see what they think about the company and the job they did for them. See if their termite problem ever returned or not.

Have the company explain how they would handle the problem for you.

Ask the company what their process is like if they were to come out to your home to get rid of the termites. Do they use chemicals, baits, exclusions or traps? Have them give you a plan in writing so that you have it for your records. This lets you compare their quote with that of other termite control companies. Knowing what you are getting is crucial to determining which company to hire.

Make sure you read through the fine print.

When you sign a contract with the termite control company, you need to go through everything and make sure that the service you need is covered under the contract. You want to make sure that you have a thorough understanding of what the company is going to do for you. Don’t go with a verbal agreement. Written contracts are always the preferred choice.

Always Hire the Best Termite Company

When you pick a Termite Company, choose the best termite company carefully. Your relationship may last for years and years.

Many of us view Termite Company inspector/salesmen as we do a used car salesman. Talk fast, say believable things, choose which questions to answer. Get your signature on the bottom line. Believe me, not all are like this, but those types are out there. If you don’t feel comfortable with your inspector/salesman and his presentation, say thank you and simply move on.

Having a termite company hassle is just not worth the seemingly best upfront deal, ask questions, be prepared. Know your company, at least a little, before signing on the dotted line. Follow my plan below to help you get the best fit when hiring a termite company

Ask questions when hiring a termite company

During your first face to face contact with a potential company you need to be prepared to ask a few questions. Hopefully the answers you get will allow you make good decisions when hiring a termite company.

Annual Guarantee Renewal

You should have the opportunity to renew your annual guarantee for at least 5 years or more at a fixed yearly premium rate. If you decide to hang on to your coverage, and you probably should, you need to pay the renewal fee each year on or before your treatment anniversary date. Most termite treatments are guaranteed for a one year period with the option to renew for an additional 4 years or longer, that’s up to individual companies..

Hunting Racoon A Change Of Pace

A Guide for Choosing an Ethical and Humane Wildlife Control Company

WILDLIFE REMOVAL companies are not government licenced. Without any form of regulation governing the needed requirements to start a wildlife control business, homeowners are being exposed to fear mongering, incompetent advice, poor workmanship, health and safety issues and inhumane treatment of wildlife. The following guide will assist the townhouse homeowner, manager and board in choosing an ethical and humane wildlife control company.

Request a referral contact from your local animal welfare (Humane Society, OSPCA, etc.) or animal care and control agency to obtain a referral for a humane wildlife removal company. These organizations should also be able to give information on the few legal stipulations governing wildlife removal in Ontario.

Knowledge of wildlife. Ask the wildlife removal operator to describe the lifecycle of the animal causing the problem. An experienced operator will have an in-depth knowledge of the intruding animal’s biology and behaviour at that particular time of year

Years in Business. Make sure the company has been in business for more than five years. This inquiry is not to be confused with how many years in the pest control business, since controlling insects is very differ- ent from controlling wildlife.

Insurance Coverage. Be very sure that the company has at least a two million dollar business liability insur- ance policy and the employees are covered by the Work- ers Safety Insurance Board. Verifying this will protect you from any personal liability claim.

Choosing a wildlife control company

If you need to hire a wildlife removal professional, here’s how to find one that uses humane, effective practices

With the right information and supplies, you may be able to solve some conflicts with wildlife by yourself. But when it’s time to call in a professional, here’s how to find a humane, effective and ethical company.

ask for an inspection and written estimate

It will be difficult for any company to assess and price the job over the phone, but they should be able to give you a rundown of their services and fees. Any fee for the on-site inspection should apply toward the work that is contracted

Get specifics on how the problem and the animals will be handled

Request specific details about how the intrusion or problem will be resolved and how the animal(s) will be treated. Will the animal be killed, and if so, why? Are there offspring that will be orphaned or abandoned? Will the method used resolve the problem for the long-term?

Insist on humane techniques

If an animal is inside a structure, insist on the use of guaranteed eviction/exclusion strategies, such as one-way doors and/or hands-on removal and reunion of families that will ultimately lead to their release outside of the structure.

Prevent a recurrence of the problem

Make sure that the company provides a full range of animal-proofing/exclusion services that carry at least a one-year guarantee against re-entry. The job is not complete until the identified access points have been effectively refitted with exclusion material that will stand up to challenge by wildlife.


More and more, we are hearing about raccoons in the NY and NJ areas and the dangers associated with these “cute” creatures. These trash-eating animals are not just nuisances. They are dangerous and destructive, and have been linked to an increasing number of rabies cases among children who are bitten by these friendly-looking animals. Like other pests, they love to nest in attics and other storage spaces in homes and commercial properties. And when left unchecked, they can cause extensive damage

What should I do if I see a raccoon on my property during the day?

Stay away! Raccoons only come out during the day if there is something wrong (they are starving or have rabies). Call a raccoon professional to immediately remove them from your property and ensure your safety

Where do raccoons live?

Raccoons can live in a lot of different places in and around your home, such as: attics, chimneys, crawl spaces, roofs, vents, ducts, and even between your walls

How do you get rid of raccoons?

One of the best non-lethal ways to get rid of raccoons is by trapping them and setting them free far from your home. We do not recommend doing this yourself as it puts you and anyone in your home in danger of being attacked by the raccoon. Contact us today to learn how we can help trap and stop your raccoon problem!


Highly intelligent and curious creatures, this nocturnal pest can quickly become a nuisance to any homeowner or property owner. Raccoons have incredible dexterity, allowing them to open doors, jars, bottles, and latches. They communicate with each other using over 200 different sounds and 12-15 different calls.


Raccoons are omnivores and stick to a balanced diet of plants, insects, and small mammals. Some food sources include beetle larvae, berries, nuts, apples, fungi, earthworms, crayfish, pet food, mice, rabbits, and squirrels. Gardens, especially ones containing sweetcorn, are another prime target for the pests. In urban areas, where their natural food sources are limited, raccoons are notorious for scavenging trash and compost.


Raccoons are extremely adaptable. Typically, raccoons live in heavily wooded areas near trees, water, and abundant vegetation, making their dens in the hollow parts of trees or abandoned burrows. In suburban and urban areas, they make their homes in man-made structures like attics, sewers, barns, and sheds.

Life Cycle

Raccoon mating season starts in late winter and stretches to the late spring months. Females will mate with several males before the season is over. As raccoons prefer to dwell in dens and similar spaces, they often settle in rock crevices, tree cavities, caves, farm buildings, storm sewers, hollow logs, and chimneys to give birth and raise the young. An average raccoon litter produces three to five offspring, though the mammal is capable of having up to seven cubs at a time. The gestation period lasts about 63 days, and it takes another two to four months to wean the cubs. Mothers are very protective of their young until they separate after about a year. Adults live in loose-knit communities of four or five raccoons for better protection against predators. Raccoons have been known to live for 17 years, though few live past six years of age due to the many dangers and potential problems encountered in the wild.

Signs of Infestation

Yard Damage: Overturned turf as a result of grubbing

Crop Damage: Chewed sweet corn, hollowed-out watermelons

Sightings: The sighting of an adult raccoon

Odor: Unpleasant odors produced by urine and feces

Property Damage: Damage to shingles, rooftop ventilators, or attic insulation

Trash: The disruption of trash cans usually indicates the presence of the pest

Raccoon removal

A raccoon is small, with gray fur, and the famous “black mask” across their eyes. They often have bushy tails that alternate between black and gray stripes. This mask and their cat-like appearance has made many people consider raccoons “cute,” but the fact remains that raccoons are wild animals and they can cause damage to property, pets and people.

Raccoons are unique than other urban animals because they are renowned for their cleverness, often able to do things like lift and remove lids from garbage cans. They also have very dexterous, with paws that resemble five-fingered hands, that allow them to open jars and even doorknobs.

What do raccoons eat?

Raccoons are omnivores, which means they eat just about anything. They love to eat fruit and nuts and plants, but they also have teeth designed for tearing and chewing so they are more than happy to eat meat.

Raccoons will open garbage cans or and dig into containers to get food. They can also pry off roof shingles to seek shelter.

Raccoon damage

Property damage caused by raccoons is most commonly due to their desire to get to food and seeking shelter. A raccoon will often try to find shelter in attics and other areas in your home. A mother raccoon and her kits have been known to pry up roofing tiles to get access into a home. Once inside a home, raccoons will leave behind urine and feces.

Get Rid Of Those Pesky Pests Once And For All Using A Professional Exterminator

How to Choose the Right Pest Control Service

When you’ve got bugs in your home, you don’t have time to waste – you need a pest control service who’ll be there on the double! But how do you choose the right pest control service for the job? Taking time to ask the right questions can make a huge difference in the quality of the service you receive.

Research local exterminators– Take a look at local companies offering indoor and outdoor pest control services. Find out as much as you can about the providers. Make sure each one has proper licensing.

Talk to each company – Take time to call each exterminator to ask about their service. Ask about their credentials and about the types of products they use. Only work with a service that uses federally approved and environmentally friendly products

Inquire about their experience – While discussing credentials and products, make sure to ask about pest control companies about their experience. The more experience they have, the better quality work they’ll provide for your home or business

Find references & read reviews – Ask an exterminator for a list of client referrals. Additionally, look for online reviews to get an idea of how a pest control service treats their clients, as well as their success rate.

How to Choose Best Pest Control Services

When insects and rodents enter your yard and home, they can quickly become a nuisance. You can try to exterminate them yourself, but the likelihood of them returning, without regular treatment, is high. This is when an exterminator becomes handy. Pest control services are separated into two distinct categories: general household pest control and termite control. Depending upon which type of service you are looking for, there are a couple of things to take into consideration to choose the best pest control companies.

General household pest control services cover the extermination of cockroaches, fleas, ticks, termites, household and fire ants, beetles, gnats, fleas and several other pests. Due to the fact that these nuisances can enter your house by flying, crawling and being carried in, the residence must be treated year-round.

When selecting your general household pest control service, learn which chemicals they use and verify that you aren’t sensitive to them. The chemicals used to exterminate pests vary between the exterminators and the pests being exterminated. Regular exposure to intolerable chemicals can cause severe allergic reactions.

Study the contract closely to verify that it doesn’t contain any undisclosed clauses that may result in penalties should you cancel the service. Make sure the service will not charge you extra should you need them to spray between scheduled quarterly or yearly visits. Unfortunately, you can not predict when pests will pay a visit

Verify that the company is licensed before signing a contract. The pest control service should have a Certified Operator within 100 miles of the office near you. Check that the pest control services have insurance coverage with an errors and omissions clause, which covers unexpected damage to your property.

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Pest Exterminator

Pest infestation is one of the worst problems that you can face in your home. It is quite hard to get rid of these irritating pests. More often than not, you will have to call a specialist to get rid of them. When it comes to selecting pest exterminators, you should be careful to ensure that you get the Top Pest Control & Bed Bug Exterminators in the Phoenix Metro Area. Failure to do so could result in you losing more than just your money. Most of these pests are disease carriers, and for that reason, they could result in your family getting sick if the job is not done very well.

Research the company

Before making all that important decision, it is important to carry out your research on the company. Check out the reviews on their websites and other independent ranking websites. Customer feedback is very important so that you understand what kind of work to expect from them. Many negative reviews may indicate a shoddy job. You may also ask your friends about the company in the event they ever hired them.

Money back guarantee

Some exterminators will offer you money back guarantee if they are unable to get rid of the pests completely. If you can get such, they are the best to hire. This is because you are guaranteed that they will not leave until the job is completely done. This is usually the best team to hire especially when dealing with the stubborn pest like the bedbugs

Ensure that they are insured

Before hiring a pest exterminator, ensure that they are insured. Insurance means that you will be covered if something goes wrong. Some companies are not covered which means that you will have to bear the cost or engage in lengthy nasty lawsuits if something goes wrong. An insured exterminator is an added assurance that they will do a good job or at least you will not suffer any loss.

Approved by the right authorities

For a company to qualify as a pest exterminator, they will have to be cleared by the environmental county boards. It is critical to ensure that they present the license for operation. The reason behind this is that there are those companies that may be using banned chemicals that may not only be harmful to the environment but also to you and your whole family and pests.

How to Choose the RIGHT Termite and Pest Control Professional for You!

Take your time and do your homework.

Most pest problems can wait a few days for you to choose a professional company and remember these people will be coming into your home or business.

Beware of exterminators that offer bargains that sound too good to be true.

Look for a company with a proven history of successful exterminations and positive feedback from customers who were completely satisfied.

Always deal with a qualified, licensed, certified and insured pest management company.

Determine if pest control companies are licensed in your state

Ask friends, neighbors, and co-workers to recommend pest control companies they have used successfully and how satisfied they were with the service.

Evaluate pest control companies that are members of national, state and local pest management associations such as the National Pest Management Association – NPMA, the New Jersey Pest Management Association – NJPMA, and the International Pest Control Operators – IPCO

How To Choose The Best Bed Bug Exterminator For Your Home

One bed bug can already be uncomfortable, how about thousands of them infesting your home? Bed bugs are considered to be one of the pests that made a comeback because, after the plague that they have caused, they are getting back to do more infestations in every home. The insect is one of the pests you don’t want to be with because they are not only disruptive, they are also annoying

Bed bugs are indeed small and if you don’t take a closer look, you can never identify them instantly. You can mistake the insect as other reddish-brown bugs found in your home especially if you don’t know how it looks like. If you suspect the pest is causing an infestation, you need the help of a bed bug exterminator to deal with them

Do Some Research

Before you settle for a bed bug exterminator, you also have to do your job first and that’s by researching. There are thousands of pest control companies in the country which offer bed bug extermination and choosing the best one is made hard. If you choose because of your instinct, the result you might receive is not the one you are looking for. So, do some research and it is the best way to find the right one for you. By researching, you will know the right questions to ask, get the most referred company or exterminator, and find out which company is trusted. By doing this, you can narrow down your list until you find the best one to do the bed bug extermination in your house. The more you research, the better you will find the most suitable company to do the elimination services for you.

Verify the Certification

The best bed bug exterminator for your home is certified to do pest control. We know a bed bug can give bites and inconveniences and having more of the pest in your house is a big problem because they can spread and will infest your family as well. Before you let a bed bug exterminator in North Carolina perform any pest control, look into the certification. A professional should be licensed or certified in doing pest extermination because it is proof that they are capable of doing the work and have undergone the right training. That’s why you have to check if the certification is legit and you can ask pest control associations to help you. Look also into the assessment of the exterminator or the company under the appropriate associations to know if the person you want to hire can do the job you need or if the company is not suitable to do the work for you.  Before you start bed bug treatments, don’t forget to check the certification to avoid problems.

Don’t Rely on the Price

There are bed bugs exterminators that may offer you low prices to take the bait, but if you want the best company to help you out, don’t rely on the prices. Bed bugs are pesky and can easily spread in your property when they infest. Once they have occupied most of your home, the extermination becomes hard. However, there are times that you can be tight on your budget that’s why; you might choose a cheaper offer. However, don’t always depend on the low price; hence, you also need to know the credibility. Check the reviews of the company regarding the success it has done when it comes to bed bug elimination. Dig more about the way they exterminate the pest because we know that bed bugs are hard to eliminate. If the company you choose only performs spraying, there is a tendency that the pest will re-infest and it will cost you more money once again. So, before you say yes to a bed bug exterminator, check the price. You can hit the jackpot if you found a company that offers cheap rates yet is guaranteed credible.