Hunting Racoon A Change Of Pace

A Guide for Choosing an Ethical and Humane Wildlife Control Company

WILDLIFE REMOVAL companies are not government licenced. Without any form of regulation governing the needed requirements to start a wildlife control business, homeowners are being exposed to fear mongering, incompetent advice, poor workmanship, health and safety issues and inhumane treatment of wildlife. The following guide will assist the townhouse homeowner, manager and board in choosing an ethical and humane wildlife control company.

Request a referral contact from your local animal welfare (Humane Society, OSPCA, etc.) or animal care and control agency to obtain a referral for a humane wildlife removal company. These organizations should also be able to give information on the few legal stipulations governing wildlife removal in Ontario.

Knowledge of wildlife. Ask the wildlife removal operator to describe the lifecycle of the animal causing the problem. An experienced operator will have an in-depth knowledge of the intruding animal’s biology and behaviour at that particular time of year

Years in Business. Make sure the company has been in business for more than five years. This inquiry is not to be confused with how many years in the pest control business, since controlling insects is very differ- ent from controlling wildlife.

Insurance Coverage. Be very sure that the company has at least a two million dollar business liability insur- ance policy and the employees are covered by the Work- ers Safety Insurance Board. Verifying this will protect you from any personal liability claim.

Choosing a wildlife control company

If you need to hire a wildlife removal professional, here’s how to find one that uses humane, effective practices

With the right information and supplies, you may be able to solve some conflicts with wildlife by yourself. But when it’s time to call in a professional, here’s how to find a humane, effective and ethical company.

ask for an inspection and written estimate

It will be difficult for any company to assess and price the job over the phone, but they should be able to give you a rundown of their services and fees. Any fee for the on-site inspection should apply toward the work that is contracted

Get specifics on how the problem and the animals will be handled

Request specific details about how the intrusion or problem will be resolved and how the animal(s) will be treated. Will the animal be killed, and if so, why? Are there offspring that will be orphaned or abandoned? Will the method used resolve the problem for the long-term?

Insist on humane techniques

If an animal is inside a structure, insist on the use of guaranteed eviction/exclusion strategies, such as one-way doors and/or hands-on removal and reunion of families that will ultimately lead to their release outside of the structure.

Prevent a recurrence of the problem

Make sure that the company provides a full range of animal-proofing/exclusion services that carry at least a one-year guarantee against re-entry. The job is not complete until the identified access points have been effectively refitted with exclusion material that will stand up to challenge by wildlife.


More and more, we are hearing about raccoons in the NY and NJ areas and the dangers associated with these “cute” creatures. These trash-eating animals are not just nuisances. They are dangerous and destructive, and have been linked to an increasing number of rabies cases among children who are bitten by these friendly-looking animals. Like other pests, they love to nest in attics and other storage spaces in homes and commercial properties. And when left unchecked, they can cause extensive damage

What should I do if I see a raccoon on my property during the day?

Stay away! Raccoons only come out during the day if there is something wrong (they are starving or have rabies). Call a raccoon professional to immediately remove them from your property and ensure your safety

Where do raccoons live?

Raccoons can live in a lot of different places in and around your home, such as: attics, chimneys, crawl spaces, roofs, vents, ducts, and even between your walls

How do you get rid of raccoons?

One of the best non-lethal ways to get rid of raccoons is by trapping them and setting them free far from your home. We do not recommend doing this yourself as it puts you and anyone in your home in danger of being attacked by the raccoon. Contact us today to learn how we can help trap and stop your raccoon problem!


Highly intelligent and curious creatures, this nocturnal pest can quickly become a nuisance to any homeowner or property owner. Raccoons have incredible dexterity, allowing them to open doors, jars, bottles, and latches. They communicate with each other using over 200 different sounds and 12-15 different calls.


Raccoons are omnivores and stick to a balanced diet of plants, insects, and small mammals. Some food sources include beetle larvae, berries, nuts, apples, fungi, earthworms, crayfish, pet food, mice, rabbits, and squirrels. Gardens, especially ones containing sweetcorn, are another prime target for the pests. In urban areas, where their natural food sources are limited, raccoons are notorious for scavenging trash and compost.


Raccoons are extremely adaptable. Typically, raccoons live in heavily wooded areas near trees, water, and abundant vegetation, making their dens in the hollow parts of trees or abandoned burrows. In suburban and urban areas, they make their homes in man-made structures like attics, sewers, barns, and sheds.

Life Cycle

Raccoon mating season starts in late winter and stretches to the late spring months. Females will mate with several males before the season is over. As raccoons prefer to dwell in dens and similar spaces, they often settle in rock crevices, tree cavities, caves, farm buildings, storm sewers, hollow logs, and chimneys to give birth and raise the young. An average raccoon litter produces three to five offspring, though the mammal is capable of having up to seven cubs at a time. The gestation period lasts about 63 days, and it takes another two to four months to wean the cubs. Mothers are very protective of their young until they separate after about a year. Adults live in loose-knit communities of four or five raccoons for better protection against predators. Raccoons have been known to live for 17 years, though few live past six years of age due to the many dangers and potential problems encountered in the wild.

Signs of Infestation

Yard Damage: Overturned turf as a result of grubbing

Crop Damage: Chewed sweet corn, hollowed-out watermelons

Sightings: The sighting of an adult raccoon

Odor: Unpleasant odors produced by urine and feces

Property Damage: Damage to shingles, rooftop ventilators, or attic insulation

Trash: The disruption of trash cans usually indicates the presence of the pest

Raccoon removal

A raccoon is small, with gray fur, and the famous “black mask” across their eyes. They often have bushy tails that alternate between black and gray stripes. This mask and their cat-like appearance has made many people consider raccoons “cute,” but the fact remains that raccoons are wild animals and they can cause damage to property, pets and people.

Raccoons are unique than other urban animals because they are renowned for their cleverness, often able to do things like lift and remove lids from garbage cans. They also have very dexterous, with paws that resemble five-fingered hands, that allow them to open jars and even doorknobs.

What do raccoons eat?

Raccoons are omnivores, which means they eat just about anything. They love to eat fruit and nuts and plants, but they also have teeth designed for tearing and chewing so they are more than happy to eat meat.

Raccoons will open garbage cans or and dig into containers to get food. They can also pry off roof shingles to seek shelter.

Raccoon damage

Property damage caused by raccoons is most commonly due to their desire to get to food and seeking shelter. A raccoon will often try to find shelter in attics and other areas in your home. A mother raccoon and her kits have been known to pry up roofing tiles to get access into a home. Once inside a home, raccoons will leave behind urine and feces.

You Would Be Surprised At How Important Family Law Attorney

Things to Tell (or Not Tell) Your Divorce Lawyer

Divorce clients worry about whether they should tell their attorney everything or keep some facts secret.

It’s difficult to be totally honest because the issues are personal and can be embarrassing. Even when you know conversations with your attorney are confidential, some things make you feel ashamed so you are reluctant to be totally open about them. For example, suppose you have slapped or spanked your child or you are having an affair. You may be tempted to omit these details–but that’s dangerous because if your attorney doesn’t know about the potential problem, it may damage your case.

1. Disclose All Relevant Information.

It’s important to share all relevant facts with your divorce attorney so he or she can prepare for and deal with potential problems. Even if you think a particular fact is irrelevant to your divorce, make certain to mention it to your attorney so he or she can decide whether the item could create a problem down the road. You don’t need to tell your attorney everything about your marriage and children, but make certain to share all items relevant to the issues of your case. If you are in doubt about what your attorney needs to know, get guidance on what’s relevant.

2. Provide a Written History of Your Marriage.

It’s helpful for your attorney to have a written statement outlining the important facts in your marriage, including how you met your spouse, when you married, the names and ages of your children, your education, where you work, critical events in your marriage, what you think caused the divorce, and who wants the divorce. A good way to organize the history is chronologically from when you met your spouse. Put together a time line of important dates. Also, list the major assets you and your spouse own and any property that one of you claims is separate.

3. Share Sensitive Information.

You probably don’t want to tell your attorney you are having an affair or physically abusing your spouse or children, but it’s critical that your attorney knows about these difficult facts so he or she can be properly prepared to defend you if they come up in the course of your divorce. During the discovery process, if you opt for a litigated divorce, these facts are likely to come up and in a collaborative divorce, you are obligated to share all relevant information with the other side. Some attorney use investigators to search for damaging facts, and if there is a suspicion of an affair, an investigator is likely to be involved. If you are in an abusive relationship, make certain you tell your lawyer, even if you are ashamed of it. Also, if you have contracted a sexually transmitted disease or have hidden assets or debts, tell your lawyer.

4. Issues to Discuss.

There are a number of important issues you will need to discuss with your attorney during the first meeting, including child custody, child support, spousal support, division of the marital estate, any separate property claims, community debts, and your expectations about the likely outcome of the case. You will want to discuss sole or joint custody of the children, standard visitation or shared custody of your children, who is likely to be responsible for paying child support, how much that might be, whether your spouse is eligible for spousal maintenance, and the division of your community estate. Make certain you share with your attorney any facts that might favor you getting a larger share of the community estate, such as higher income earned by your spouse, health issues, disability, separate property of both spouses, and whether there has been spousal abuse.

5. Things Not to Say.

Finally, there are some things you should not say to your prospective attorney, such as “I don’t care about costs because I want to punish my spouse, I want to bring a friend with me to our meeting, I need to get this over with as soon as possible because I want to remarry, or I will never pay child support to my ex-spouse.”

Telling a lawyer you don’t care about costs may double your attorney’s fees. Bringing a friend to the meetings with your attorney may destroy attorney-client privilege. Being in a hurry will put you at a disadvantage and may increase the cost of your divorce. Never say never, because you will likely have to change your mind during the course of the divorce process. Finally, make certain you are clear about attorney fees, who will manage your divorce, and if you understand what your attorney has told you.

In a Divorce, Who Gets the 401k?

A divorce settlement can be excruciating. It is not always patient; it is not always kind. It can be rude. Self-seeking. Easily angered. And if you’ve developed a comfortable nest of 401k funds, you may find these benefits at the center of your divorce settlement maelstrom.

“I’ve seen 401k participants who’ve been abandoned by their spouses. Participants who’ve been left with kids to support and a household to run,” says Ted Benna. “I’ve also seen participants with huge account balances doing irrational things – like forbidding plan administrators to work with their spouse’s divorce lawyers – all in an attempt to keep their spouses from getting any of the retirement benefits.”

Your desire to protect your funds may be self-seeking. Or it may be a matter of survival. But either way, your spouse has the legal grounds to claim all or part of your 401k benefits in a divorce settlement. And in most cases, you’ll have to find a way to make a fair and equitable split of the funds. By being organized, prepared and knowledgeable about your legal options and rights, you can split your 401k reasonably.

How to Find the Best Divorce Attorney

It’s not easy to maintain a positive attitude at work when your marriage is heading for a divorce. The right solution is to get a lawyer to handle your case as quickly as possible.

Here are ten tips to help you find the best divorce attorney:

1. Ask Your Friends and Family

Ask your friends and family if they know a professional divorce attorney. Make sure to find an attorney who specializes in divorce cases and family law.

2. Understand What You Want to Get from the Divorce

As tough as the divorce may be, you must still ensure you get what you want from it. For example, you can push for sole parental rights. Your attorney can use a child support calculator to get you the right amount from your former spouse.

3. Consult the Local Bar Association

The local bar association has a list of the top attorneys in your area. Consult with them and get a list of names. Do some research on the attorneys you find, and see if any of them offer free consultations.

4. Search Online

Thanks to the internet, you can get all the information you need about legal experts in your area. There’ll be reviews posted online about each of those attorneys as well. Reading these reviews helps you choose the right attorney.

5. Consider Your Budget

Legal fees can go very high if you are dealing with one of the best legal firms. As such, consider your budget first. Then, look for attorneys who are within your price range.

If asking whether a lawyer is male or female is not the right question to ask, what is? These three questions:

Who a Lawyer Is

The question of “who a lawyer is” encompasses a lot, and it is probably the single most important question to ask yourself about any lawyer before you hire them. Who is this person? What is his/her reputation? How does s/he operate? Is this person fair? Is s/he honest? Is s/he experienced? Does this lawyer know the law, the court system, and the judges?

All of these questions are designed to provide you with the information you need to answer the one question that matters the most to you: Can this lawyer competently represent you and help you achieve your goals in your case? If not, then it doesn’t matter whether the lawyer is male or female. That lawyer is not right for you.

Does the Lawyer Have Time for You?

You can have the best divorce lawyer in the country, but if that lawyer does not have the time to devote to your case, you are not going to be happy with the result. If your lawyer is part of a big law firm that has dozens of junior associates ready to handle your case, that’s fine. That means your case will not be neglected. (… at least in theory). But it doesn’t mean that you will get the attention you wanted from the lawyer you actually hired.

Solo lawyers are not necessarily better. They can be. At least, when you hire a sole practitioner you know which lawyer is going to be handling your case. But if your solo lawyer gets buried in other work, your case might take longer to resolve than you thought.

What Kind of Divorce Process Does The Lawyer Use the Most?

There are at least four different divorce processes that are commonly used in this country: litigation, negotiation, mediation and collaborative divorce. If you want to mediate your case, but you hire an ace litigator to represent you, your mediation has a greater chance of failing than it would have had if you had hired an attorney who was mediation friendly. If you hire a lawyer who is skilled at negotiation, but lousy in a courtroom, and you end up going to trial, you are going to get screwed. You have to hire the right lawyer for the divorce process you use.


Most attorneys that practice divorce law offer a free initial consultation where you can schedule a time to meet in person with the lawyer.  The guide provides you with advice on how to prepare for an efficient and effective consultation.  While most divorce attorneys in Irvine and elsewhere in Orange County don’t specifically provide direct legal advice during this first meeting, having the right information will not only provide for an effective first meeting, it will show the attorney that you will be a well-prepared client.  Let’s get to the list.


The Schedule of Assets and Debts is one of the most important documents in any California divorce case.  Every party in every divorce case in California has to complete this form before their dissolution of marriage will be granted by the court.  You may as well start now and get this document completed, which will be extremely helpful for the attorney during your initial consultation.  Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the Declaration of Disclosure, which consists of the Schedule of Assets & Debts.  As the name announces, the Sched. of Assets and Debts lists out all the community and separate property assets, debts, and includes supporting documentation.


The Income and Expense Declaration is the other document included in the Declaration of Disclosure.  The IED includes the party’s income, expenses, and must include recent pay stubs of the person filling out the form.


Having a bullet-point list of questions ready to ask is imperative to managing your time with the attorney and getting the information you need.


Bring at least the most recent tax return filed by you and your spouse, if you file a joint return.  If you file separate returns, try and bring your spouse’s latest tax return as well.  If you can bring the last two years’ tax returns that would be greatly beneficial.


If you or your spouse are self-employed, bring as many documents as you can regarding the business operations, income and expenses.  Bring a current profit and loss statement, balance sheet and any other relevant current documents.  Be sure to bring the last year’s Schedule A tax return document.  For more information about

Understanding Flat Roof Maintenance


Whether you own a commercial building, or your home just happens to have a unique flat roof, you know that it often requires more work than other standard types of roofs. While it may have been simpler to build, it requires a lot of maintenance and inspections to keep it up and make sure that everything is functioning as it should. The hard part about a flat roof is knowing whether you need to get it replaced, or if you just need to do a few minor repairs. We’ve put together a list of the top 6 most common problems that occur in flat roofs, and how best to deal with these issues depending on their severity:

Alligatoring – One of the surest signs that your flat roof needs replacement is a phenomenon called alligatoring. What happens is the asphalt used to build your flat roof has aged and lost its elasticity, causing it to crack and bubble and look something like the skin of an alligator. Unfortunately, this means that your asphalt flat roof has deteriorated past the point of no return, and will need replacement.

Leaks and moisture – Probably the most common problems with flat roofs, leaks and lingering moisture are issues that can be dealt with effectively, as long as you stay on top of them. Just like any roof, a flat roof will develop leaks, but since it’s flat, the water doesn’t have anywhere to go but straight down. This means that moisture can seep into the roof itself and cause problems that may lead to mold and fungus. The best way to deal with this is to make sure that you have your roof inspected regularly, and maintenanced every time you find an issue.

Buckle in membrane – Most asphalt flat roofs are constructed similarly to shingled roofs in that they are made up of a membrane soaked in asphalt, and then laid across the top of the building to make the roof; unlike shingled roofs, however, the membrane on a flat roof is all one piece. This means that over time, as your house shifts and settles, so too will your roof. Excessive movement can cause buckles in that asphalt membrane, which signals the end of your flat roof’s life. A roof that is buckling is not safe to live under, and can cause major problems down the line. It’s a good idea to get it replaced as soon as possible.

Pooling water – Since your roof is flat, when it rains or snows, there’s nowhere for that precipitation to go. As your home settles over time, the roof itself will shift a bit, meaning it might not be as level as it was when it was first installed. This may cause water to pool in divots and dips in your roof. While most materials are manufactured to hold up to water, you should drain these pools as soon as possible and check to make sure that water didn’t seep into lower layers of the roof. If pooling is allowed to linger, it’s likely to deteriorate the exterior of your roof, shortening the lifetime of the flat roof.

Crack in roof – Flat roofs tend to have more pressure exerted on them, since they are flat instead of slanted. Sometimes this pressure can build up, and if the pressure and stress become excessive, it can cause your roof to crack. In the event that your roof does crack, you should call a professional immediately. In addition to exposing your home to precipitation, a crack in the roof is often a sign that your roof is structurally compromised, and it’s time for a new one.

Flashing – Just like most other materials, asphalt flat roofs tend to expand and contract with changing weather and temperatures. Over time, this continued expansion and contraction can cause the flashing to pull away from the edges and corners of your roof, leading to leaks and moisture that can get trapped inside your roof. The best way to avoid this is to inspect and maintain your flat roof regularly. Once the leaks become significant, or if you have a lot of deterioration in the flashing, you’ll be forced to get a new roof.

Benefits of a Flat Roof

Not only are flat roofs as capable as their steeper counterparts but they also carry a significant number of advantages as well.

Save money on heating and cooling costs

One of the benefits is the savings in heating and cooling costs that it provides.

Many don’t think of this fact, but a steeped roof adds extra space to a structure and the more space there is, the more your heating and cooling systems need to work to fill all of this space with heat or air conditioning. Flat roofs help to control this extra air with slightly less space.

Save money on upfront costs and repairs

Flat roofs are typically less expensive than steep slope roofs, mostly because flat roofs use less material than their sloped counterparts.

Flat roofs are also much easier to install so labor costs are lessened and they are easier to access for maintenance and repairs.

They give you room to build upon it

Flat roofs also have many functional benefits as well because they give you more room to build upon your house. If you want to create a roof garden or install solar panels, the process is much easier to implement on a flat surface.

4 Best Flat Roof Materials

PVC Roofing

For many projects, PVC roofing is our preferred choice as the best flat roof material on the market. PVC roofing is somewhat more expensive than other single-ply commercial roofing materials, however it offers a wide range of benefits for the price. First, the reinforced membrane makes PVC roofs resistant to impact damage and the cracking which normally shortens the lifespan of single-ply roofs. PVC roofing is one of the best flat roof materials because it is low maintenance with a long lifespan. At J. Smucker Contracting, we offer a 20-year warranty on new PVC roofing we install. In addition, just like TPO roofing, PVC is a reflective white color which is useful as it dramatically lowers the business’s energy bills.

Metal Roofing

A commercial standing seam metal roof is the ideal choice for a building with a roof slope greater than 2 inches. Metal is different from most other commercial roofing material types for a few reasons. Due to the expert installation process and the nature of the material, metal is the most expensive roof type to have installed. However, metal roofing has the longest lifespan, lasting between 20 and 30 years. Metal is an extremely durable material and is immune to cracks that affect single-ply roofs. However, metal roofs can be susceptible to leaks around the seams and roof edges.


This very popular roof type is also among the best flat roof materials to install. Not only is a TPO roof an inexpensive option, it has a decent lifespan between 10 and 20 years. In addition, these white-coat roofs have all of the same energy saving properties as PVC roofs. Plus, they require less maintenance than EPDM roofs, as the seams are heat welded to prevent leaks.

Modified Bitumen Roof

When compared to other commercial roofing materials, modified bitumen stands out as the more-budget friendly option. Modified bitumen roofs use an asphalt membrane as the base of the roof itself. This surface is susceptible to cracking and blistering which reduces the typical lifespan to just 10 to 15 years. While the lifespan is less than the more advanced options, the price point alone can make modified bitumen one of the best flat roof materials for some businesses.

How to Find a Leak on a Flat Roof

The best time to look for a leak is when the roof has been dry for at least three days, and in the evening/night-time, when after cooling down, the flat roof leak ‘hot-spot’ will release heat that has stored underneath the hole during the day.

If this technique is not possible, below are other ways to detect a leak on a flat roof – and remember to clearly mark the area of the leak when you find it:

  • Firstly, measure, from the outside wall of the room, along the ceiling to the damp spot/dripping area. You may find, especially on more slanting flat roofs, that there is no damage or ponding of water above this marker.
  • Next, it’s time to look directly upwards of this area for somewhere that could cause the leak – usually around obstacles or junctions – for example, step or metal flashing that has come loose due to heat expansion and may need replacing or repairing (around chimneys and skylights). Check for loose tar and materials that may provide gaps in which rain water could seep through – if it can be pried back under inspection, then water can get into it.
  • The sun’s heat can cause movement of a roof structure, creating splits or cracks and whilst the roof felt’s flexibility should be able to withstand this, be observant for small areas of damage by clearing away leaves, chippings or other debris. Check any seam in the roofing material, as any gap or hole could be the culprit causing the leaking roof.
  • Check that there are no missing roof nails, or excessive rust damage on existing ones, as these may be causing the leak. At the same time, inspect the guttering around the flat roof for blockages or leaks that are accelerating the deterioration of the leakage area.
  • Plants should be kept for internal flower pots and in garden beds, so if you see any on the flat roof, this could be another place where water is collecting and where the leak could potentially be.
  • If there are any flaws in the top layer, like additional roofing tar patches or caulking, these are temporary patches that may have deteriorated quickly due to poor application.
  • Should you still not be able to find the leak, it is time to start adding water, with a hosepipe or manually applied, to the roof in small sections, whilst someone checks the inside ceiling. Remember, water takes the least resistant path to get to where the dripping/damp patch is, so do not predict the leak to be directly above it. This process can be time consuming and the more detailed and regimented that it is executed, the more accurate it can be in determining the location of the damage on the flat roof.

The Pros & Cons of Flat vs. Pitched Roofing

If you are planning to add a new roof to your home or shed, be sure to consider all the available options. Pitched roofs come in a variety of styles, such as gable, cross gable and hipped, all of which are sloped to different degrees. Flat roofs have no slope, and are available in built-up, single-ply and sprayed polyurethane foam designs. Consult with a roofing contractor to determine which roofing option is best for your individual needs.


Both flat and pitched roofs require regular maintenance. However, although pitched roofs may be more difficult to clean and inspect, due to the sloped structure, flat roofs often require more maintenance throughout the life of the roof. Flat roof drainage is not quite as effective as a pitched roof’s, and without regular inspection, drains can become clogged, leading to damage and leaks. The roof requires a waterproof seal, which must be maintained regularly to prevent leaks and costly repairs. Many flat roof leaks are due to a lack of regular inspection and maintenance, so be sure that you have the time to check your roof regularly if you choose a flat roof for your property.


According to Improve Net’s online roofing calculator, a flat roof is significantly cheaper than a pitched roof. A 900-square-foot flat roof in the San Francisco area, made of concrete tiles, costs approximately $6,108 to $7,635, whereas a moderately pitched roof with the same specifications ranges from $7,878 to $9,848. Of course, if you live in an area that receives a large amount of rainfall each year, any money you might save in flat roof installation costs might be compensated for in future repairs. Flat roofs’ repair costs are more expensive than pitched roofs’ are, and because they are less prone to moisture damage, a pitched roof may be more affordable in the long-term.

Advice For Painting Your Ceiling

Suspended Ceilings – What Types Are There?

The best part of suspended ceilings is that they can be installed using DIY methods; thus, you can save cost on professional services. However, a little know-how of ceiling installation and use of tools and equipment is required if you want to opt for DIY methods.

If you are contemplating the idea of getting a suspended ceiling installed in your room, you must be aware of its different types available in the market. In this article, we have covered all the common types of suspended ceilings. Continue reading further to know about them.

Concealed Grid Suspended Ceilings

If you want a smooth and clean look with your suspended ceiling, opt for concealed grip. This type of suspended ceiling hides the grid system using acoustical tiles. The advantage of installing concealed grip suspended ceiling comes in form of its appealing and aesthetic look. On the flip side, it doesn’t allow easy access to areas above the ceiling for repair purposes. Moreover, it can prove to be expensive as compared to other types.  

Gypsum Board and Plaster Suspended Ceilings

This type of suspended ceiling is commonly used in different parts of public buildings such as theatres, lobbies, and auditoriums etc. A gypsum board and plaster suspended ceiling can either be screwed to simple light gauge steels or some special framing components can be used for this ceiling. While simple light gauge steels are suspended on wires, special framing components are specifically developed for this type of ceiling that are available in different complex shapes.

The major benefit of installing a gypsum board and plaster suspended ceiling is the value it adds to your room. It has a distinct design, which will give your room a contemporary look.

Exposed Grid

It is a common and inexpensive type of suspended ceiling. The factor that set exposed grid suspended ceiling apart from other types is its composition. It has long metal strips known as mains. These mains are connected to each other using tees. Tees are the short metal pieces.

Tees and mains combine to make a grid system. Acoustical ceiling tiles are used to fill the said grid system. Around each tile of the exposed grid, there is a standard metal frame. This frame is available in different measurements.

Fire Resistance Rated Suspended Ceilings

This type of suspended ceiling is preferred due to its resilience against fire. It is made of a specifically designed material that resists fire. Installation of fire resistance rated suspended ceilings is a process that must be performed by experts as it requires ample knowledge and skills. Moreover, lighting fixtures used in this type of ceiling must also be backed up using a material that is resistant to fire. Simply put, each part of this type of suspended ceiling including the panels that give access to repair and maintenance of ducts and pipes must meet fire resistive requirements.  

Suspended Drywall Ceilings

A suspended drywall ceiling uses hangers and wires instead of metal grids. If you do not want to spend a huge amount of money on suspended ceilings with frame, you can opt for this type of suspended ceiling. It gives an aesthetic look because of its different design.

Ceiling Tile Materials and Design

Ceiling tiles come in an infinite variety of textures and designs. Most ceiling tiles are made from mineral fiber, but other materials are available, such as fiberglass. Mineral fiber tiles typically have a high Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC), which means they are good at absorbing sound within a space to prevent echo or loud environments. While some tiles have a high Ceiling Attenuation Class (CAC), meaning they prevent sound from passing through the ceiling to another space, acoustic ceiling tiles are generally not used to provide privacy between spaces.

In addition to tile material, there are a wide variety of designs available. Tiles may have a rough appearance or a smooth appearance. Tiles may also have designs imprinted in them or other patterns scored into the tile.

Ceiling Features

If you’re having noise issues, you can conveniently add a sound absorbing ceiling to your space that dampens the sound within a room and helps block sound between rooms with a suspended/drop ceiling. In addition to acoustics, eliminate the worries of staining and sagging with these ceiling options and gain moisture performing benefits that are ideal for a basement.

It’s important to remember that different types of ceilings offer a variety of functionality. It’s never been more important to make choices that simplify our lives, especially when it comes to the task of cleaning. Selecting easy-to-clean, time-saving materials for your new ceiling is possible with our wide selection of wood, coffered or metal products that are ideal for kitchens or half baths where cleanup is easier than ever.

A Few Good Reasons to Choose a Drop Ceiling vs. a Drywall Ceiling


Home improvement enthusiasts agree hands down that a drop ceiling project can be easily and quickly tackled by most home owners. It is not difficult to install, does not create a mess and is fairly quick to complete.


When it comes to decoration and design, your options are endless with a drop ceiling. Simply browse our website and you will understand why.


One of the biggest benefit to a drop ceiling is that you have easy access to plumbing, wiring, and duct work. If any maintenance issues arise, you can simply remove a ceiling tile. If a tile gets damaged, simply remove it and replace it.

How are suspended ceilings installed?

To install a suspended ceiling, the first stage is to measure the dimensions of the room to be able to accurately design the suspended ceiling grid.

Once the dimensions have been accurately taken, the drop of the ceiling needs to be determined to measure around the perimeter of the room. By effectively measuring and marking the drop of the ceiling, this prevents any nasty surprises when the grid is fitted.

The false ceiling is hung from a bracket fixed to the underside of the floor slab, supporting a series of interlocking metal sections that form the grid. Beam systems are also available, in which tiles are laid between parallel beams rather than a grid, and there are a wide range of different grid profiles and tile edge details that can be used to allow the grid to be exposed, flush, recessed or concealed.

When the grid has been fitted, installations can be made for lighting, speakers, air conditioning and anything else that needs to be concealed within the ceiling.

The final stage is to place the chosen tiles within the frame to complete the finished suspended ceiling. There are a variety of tiles that can be used, dependent upon the chosen aesthetic.

Know What A Home Inspection Really Is

Home Inspections – Their Purpose and Proces

What is the purpose of a Home Inspection?

Many people misunderstand the purpose of a home inspection. The main purpose of a home inspection is to give you the information needed to make an informed decision on the purchase.  

Most home inspectors focus on the major defects that will cost the buyer a lot of money above the purchase price to repair. Cosmetic items are rarely reported. By bringing these major defects to the buyers attention, the buyer can choose to negotiate with the seller with the intent on getting the major components repaired or a reduction in the selling price. This is acceptable and reasonable for the buyer. 

However, I have seen buyers hand the report to the seller and demand that all the items listed in the report be fixed or they will walk away from the deal.   Another buyer asked me to really pick the house apart because they wanted me to make the house appear as bad as possible so they could cheat the seller into greatly reducing their asking price.  If this is your intent for an inspection, please call our office and cancel the inspection you have scheduled with us. Be sure to tell us why.  Even though I work for my client’s best interest, this practice in unfair to the seller and is unethical  for any inspector to agree to do.  Our company will not take part of any situation that is questionable, dishonest or unethical.

If the seller can not afford to have the repairs corrected, you can still choose to buy the house with the full knowledge of what repairs are needed and the cost of the repairs will be your responsibility. Or, you may decide the cost of repairs is too much, then you can walk away from the deal and still get your earnest money back provided your contract has a “sale contingent on inspection” clause.

Home Inspection Process Explained

  • A typical home inspection takes two to three hours, and during this time the house is examined from the ground up and from the outside in.
  • A good home inspection should include observation, and when appropriate the operation, of the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical, and appliance systems, as well as observation of structural components: roof, foundation, basement, exterior and interior walls, chimney, doors, and windows.
  • Findings should be provided in the form of a comprehensive inspection report, which includes an objective evaluation of the condition the home clearly outlining any existing defects and potential problems.

Why Do You Need a Home Inspection?

A home inspection is particularly important when purchasing a home.

Buying a house is likely one of the largest purchases a person will ever make but few buyers are experienced in building construction, and overlooking a serious issue could result in a costly problem down the road. As a result many buyers choose to have a property inspection conducted prior to closing the sale. The inspection can identify any issues so the buyer can discuss these with the seller during negotiations.

At Pillar To Post we encourage our clients to accompany us during the home inspection. This gives buyers a chance to ask questions, and to get detailed information about maintaining the home and its systems. For homeowners this allows them an opportunity to answer any questions the inspector may have. In either case, accompanying an inspector can help a client get the most from a home inspection.

Strata inspection

A unit inspection involves a different set of criteria than a house inspection. Aside from the physical condition of that unit, the inspector will also examine the strata agreement as well as certain aspects of the building in which the unit exists. Some of the details that will be looked at in a strata inspection include:

  • Exterior of the unit
  • Interior of the unit space
  • Whether the strata scheme is in compliance with asbestos & fire rules
  • Insurance for the building
  • Other special levies
  • Entitlements and voting rights
  • Building reports
  • Major expenditures & proposed major expenditures
  • Quarterly strata fees
  • Whether or not the structure is harmonious

A strata inspection will also look at all the copies of the minutes from meetings such as the owners’ corporation AGM’s etc. A strata inspection report is important because the apartment unit you’re purchasing doesn’t exist in isolation. It’s subject to all the rules & regulations governing the property in which it exists.

While a house inspection report and a strata inspection report examine different details, both of these are crucial for a property buyer. The few hundred dollars that you spend on getting these inspections done can provide you peace of mind and save you a significant amount of money in the long term.

Home inspection checklist: the components

Here’s what the inspector will review, according to the American Society of Home Inspectors’ (ASHI):

  1. Heating system
  2. Central air conditioning system (temperature permitting)
  3. Interior plumbing and electrical systems
  4. Roof
  5. Attic, including visible insulation
  6. Walls
  7. Ceilings
  8. Floors
  9. Windows and doors
  10. Foundation
  11. Basement
  12. Structural components

Clearly, the inspector isn’t going to tear your home apart to inspect piping and wiring. But the more she has access to, the better the final report will be.

Eye Care Essentials For Computer Users

Things To Look For When Choosing a Good Eye Doctor

How to Choose a Good Eye Doctor?

Choosing an eye doctor is just as important as selecting a general health physician. Your eyes are not only a window to the world, but they also serve as a window to your overall health. Because your eyes are an essential part of everyday life, your choice of a good eye doctor is not one that should be taken lightly. Here are five key things to look for when choosing an eye doctor.

Two Types of Eye Doctors

First off – lets help by giving you a little background on the types of Eye Doctors. Generally speaking eye doctors can be categorized into two different groups; Optometrists and Ophthalmologists.

Which Is Right For You?

It’s a good idea to consider the type of care you need when selecting an eye doctor. For a general eye exam either an ophthalmologist or optometrist will suit your purpose, however if you have a specific eye disease – you may want to consider an ophthalmologist for ongoing care (depending on the issue). In terms of fitting contact lenses and educating you on all the options with regard to glasses, spectacle lenses and contact lenses – Optometrists are typically thought of as the go to professional.

Eye Doctor Availability

When it comes to optometrists – does the practice offer evening and weekend hours of availability? Does the practice have openings within the week of your desired well vision exam?

When it comes to Disease management and Ophthalmology care – it is rare to find a medical doctor with evening and weekend appointments. Here, it is important if you need immediate care to find out if you can be seen fast. Most quality practices will triage your issues and if you are looking for immediate assistance, will work you into their schedule.  Most high quality medical doctors / Ophthalmologists get booked up 2 to 3 weeks in advance but –will make every effort to have you seen ASAP based on your symptoms.

Factors To Look For When Choosing The Right Optometrist

Generally, one would think that with aging, eyesight will begin to deteriorate. But with the advent of smartphones, people are becoming victims of poor vision no matter what their age is. The stress on the eyes and nerves has made it difficult to keep perfect eyesight. There is no point in ignoring any eye problem. Sooner or later, you would have to visit an optometrist. Then why delay the much-needed appointment? The important thing is choosing the right optometrist.

Unwavering Reputation Throughout

What do you do when you look for a new service or product? Read its reviews online, right? This helps you know what is best for you based on other’s opinions. Same goes for choosing the right optometrist for you. Search for optometrist near you and go through the Google reviews.

Go The Referral Route

Before knowing how to choose an optometrist, one should know the difference between an optometrist and ophthalmologists. An optometrist would conduct an eye exam and prescribe you glasses and detect eye issues if any. An ophthalmologist, on the other hand, would treat your diseases. Before going for an eye exam, you should be clear on their differences.

Qualifications Matter A Ton

If you have looked through a list of optometrists and are confused as to which one to choose, check for credentials of the optometrists. The qualifications ensure that the optometrist is the right doctor to consult. The doctor should have an eye specialty degree to start with.

Affordability That Adds Convenience

Eye checkups are an important eye exam you should not skip. One needs to check in advance as to what an optometrist charges. It is better than paying through the nose later on.

How to choose an eye doctor

Choosing an eye care provider is an important health care decision. After all, you will be trusting your eye doctor to safeguard your precious sense of sight and help you maintain a lifetime of good vision.

What is an optometrist?

An optometrist is an eye doctor who has earned the Doctor of Optometry (OD) degree. Optometrists examine eyes for both vision and health problems, and correct refractive errors by prescribing eyeglasses and contact lenses. Some optometrists also provide low vision care and vision therapy.

Optometrists in the United States also are licensed to prescribe medications to treat certain eye problems and diseases. The scope of medical care that can be provided by optometrists is determined by state law. (For details about the scope of practice of optometrists where you live, visit the website of your state’s board of optometry.)

What is an ophthalmologist?

An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor (MD) or a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) who specializes in eye and vision care. Ophthalmologists are trained to perform eye exams, diagnose and treat disease, prescribe medications and perform eye surgery. They also write prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses.

What is an optician?

An optician is not an eye doctor, but opticians are an important part of your eye care team. Opticians use prescriptions written by an optometrist or an ophthalmologist to fit and sell eyeglasses and other eyewear.

Tips for Choosing an Optometrist

Get Referrals

Optometrists give eye exams, prescribe vision-correcting eyeglasses and contact lenses, and diagnose and treat eye diseases and conditions. For more complex conditions or when surgery is necessary, optometrists refer patients to ophthalmologists (medical doctors who treat eyes). If you need a new optometrist, ask your family, friends, and perhaps your primary care doctor for recommendations. Take the time to research the doctors’ credentials and experience on You can also search the American Board of Optometry’s website.

Research the Optometrist’s Credentials

Education tells you an optometrist has the necessary training and skills to treat a variety of vision and eye problems. Optometrists must complete four-year Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degrees, in addition to four years of undergraduate college. Also confirm the optometrist has no history of malpractice claims or disciplinary actions. You can find the eye doctor’s optometry school, training, certifications, and malpractice and disciplinary history on and state websites.

Consider the Optometrist’s Experience

Experience matters when you’re facing eye problems or conditions that could affect your vision. The more experience an optometrist has with a condition or procedure, the better your results are likely to be. Ask how many patients with your specific condition, such as glaucoma, the optometrist has treated. A few states allow optometrists to perform certain types of eye surgery, such as LASIK. If you need a specific procedure, ask how many of the procedures the optometrist has performed. Ask the eye doctor about complication rates—complications the optometrist has encountered, as well as your own risk of complications.

Evaluate Communication Style

Choose an optometrist with whom you are comfortable talking and who supports your information needs. When you first meet the optometrist, ask a question and notice how he or she responds. Does he or she welcome your questions and answer them in ways you understand? Find an optometrist who shows an interest in getting to know you, who will consider your treatment preferences, and who will respect your decision-making process.

Review Patient Satisfaction Surveys

Reading what other people have to say about an optometrist can provide insight into how a provider practices eye healthcare, as well as how his or her optometry practice is operated. Patient satisfaction surveys typically ask people about their experience with scheduling appointments, wait times, office environment, and office staff friendliness. You can learn about how well patients trust the eye doctor, how much time he or she spends with their patients, and how well he or she answers questions.

How to Choose the Right Eye Doctor

Having regular eye exams is important for keeping your eyes healthy. The first thing you need for an eye test is an eye doctor. With so many of them to choose from, the process can feel a bit overwhelming. Let’s take a look at how you can choose the right eye doctor for you

Optometrist vs. Ophthalmologist

The first step in choosing the right specialist is to understand the different types of eye doctors. An optometrist specializes in diagnosing and treating vision problem and some eye conditions. They are able to prescribe eyeglasses and contacts, vision therapy, low vision aids, and can provide eye care before and after eye surgery. Some optometrists are also able to perform some types of laser surgery.

An ophthalmologist specializes in providing treatments for eye injuries and diseases. They can perform eye surgeries including cataract removal, repairing retinal detachments, and performing lens implants and LASIK surgeries. They also have the ability to prescribe medications. A lot of ophthalmologists also perform eye exams and prescribe eyeglasses and contacts.

Check with Your Insurance Plan

You can contact your insurance company and get a list of eye doctors that are covered under your plan. There will probably be a long list to choose from, so you still need to narrow down your choices further.

Get Recommendations

Talk with your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers to see which eye doctors they’ve used and liked. Since most eye doctors accept a wide range of insurance plans, someone is likely to recommend a few that accept your insurance.

Dog Bite Injuries And Dog Bite Lawyers

How to Choose a Dog Bite Lawyer

Works on a Contingency Basis

After you’ve narrowed down your options to a handful of lawyers, you should look at how they charge their clients. Most quality dog bite attorneys work on a contingency basis. They start with a free consultation, and during that meeting, they give you a sense of how your case is likely to progress. If your case is strong, the lawyer typically agrees to work on a contingency basis, which means there’s no charge to you unless there is a recovery.

Well-Rated by Professional Organizations

There are a lot of lawyers out there, and to ensure you’re hiring the best dog bite attorney, you should look for lawyers who are involved with professional groups and who receive high ratings from third-party organizations. Ideally, the lawyer you hire should be part of the state bar association and county bar associations. They should also be members of state organizations such as the Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys and federal groups such as the American Association for Justice.

Experienced with Dog Bite Cases

In addition to ensuring your lawyer has experience in your state, you should also ensure that they are experienced with dog bite cases in particular. Armed with experience, a lawyer knows how to fight common defenses from the dog owner’s attorneys. They also have a network of quality expert witnesses they can call on, and those witnesses can be essential for linking your injuries to the dog attack and for establishing the pain and suffering you’re likely to experience due to certain injuries.

Choosing the Right Lawyer After a Dog Bite or Animal Attack

The Right Animal Attack Attorney Can Help

Dog bites can cause serious injuries, including compound fractures, facial lacerations and puncture wounds, internal injuries, nerve damage, scarring and disfigurement, rabies, and emotional trauma. Victims sometimes come away from a vicious animal attack with permanent physical disabilities as well as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or a lifelong fear of dogs or open places. Death from an animal attack is a very real possibility as well, especially when the victim is a small child.

Dog Bite Laws Vary from State to State

Some states follow a basic negligence standard, holding dog owners liable when their negligent behavior allows their dog to bite to another. Other states have adopted a strict liability standard, holding owners liable any time their pet bites another person, without any consideration of negligence and regardless of whether the owner was exercising care in keeping or handling the animal at the time or not. Still another popular approach only holds owners liable if they previously knew that their animal had a dangerous or vicious propensity to bite or attack. This doctrine is often called the “one free bite” rule, because an owner may not be liable the first time their animal attacks a person, but after that incident they are on notice and responsible for future attacks.

How To Choose a Dog Bite Attorney That Is Right for You

  • Choose a dog bite lawyer with a history of success. Look on the attorney’s website for past case results. Also check to see how long the attorney has been handling dog bite cases at his firm.
  • Choose a dog bite lawyer who has happy clients. Many quality lawyer web pages will have a page for past client testimonials and law firm reviews. See what other dog bite victims had to say about their experience with their lawyer.
  • Choose a dog bite lawyer who knows the state laws. The more experience your attorney has and the longer they have worked in the state, the more familiar they will be with the specific dog bite laws.
  • Choose a dog bite lawyer that you are comfortable working with. Some people want a more personable attorney, while others might want an aggressive lawyer, and others might want an exceptionally available attorney. Pick the person who you feel most comfortable working with.

Choosing a Dog Bite Attorney

A dog bite or attack can be a dramatic experience and can develop into a serious situation. Some victims require immediate medical attention and even multiple surgeries. An animal attack can result in time away from work and permanent injuries. This can turn into financial trouble that you aren’t prepared to handle.

In the state of Connecticut, if you are bitten by a dog then the owner of that dog is liable for your injuries. Victims’ injuries should be covered by the dog owner’s homeowners or renters insurance. You will often want an experienced Connecticut dog bite attorney on your side, who is familiar with the laws in New Haven and the entire state.

Choosing the right dog bite attorneys to represent you is critical to recovering compensation. You want to make sure you are choosing the right attorney for your case.


Call for a Consultation

The single most effective way to choose a lawyer you will feel comfortable hiring is through a consultation. This is your chance to sit down with the attorney face to face, ask questions, get feedback and make important decisions about the direction of your case. You should come out of this meeting with a good idea of whether or not to hire a particular lawyer.

Consider Access to Resources

When hiring a dog bite lawyer, you are in actuality hiring a whole team of people who will be contributing to your case. This group may be comprised of a lead attorney, a paralegal who does all the research, and investigators who will help collect evidence for your case. If you ever wonder if you should handle the case on your own, just remember that it takes an entire team of experts to successfully handle your case. Your lawyer brings many years of experience to the table and can move the process along seamlessly. You can seriously compromise the stability of your case if you decide to proceed on your own.

Look at Experience

It’s not enough to hire a great personal injury lawyer. There are several subsets of personal injury law. An attorney known for auto accident injury law may not be the best fit for your dog bite case. Look for those who focus on dog bites for the best chance of a successful outcome. Targeted expertise: this is what you want when selecting dog bite attorneys. They know the effects of dog bite injuries, the associated costs, and the ongoing medical needs these types of injuries present.

How To Install Hardwood Flooring Panels With The Nail Down Method

How to choose the best wood flooring

White and pale grey wood floors are perfect for low-traffic rooms, and their light colour will enhance space in a small room brilliantly. Contemporary and light-reflecting, they will however show up dirt and dents pretty quickly.

Warm, honey-toned wood floors will disguise dirt and create a welcoming feel, ideal for a large, open-plan space that you want to feel cosier. Less contemporary than paler wood floor finishes, mid-toned wood is perfect for creating a relaxed, more traditional finish.

Dark wood floors will create a more formal, intimate feel in a room, but can also be used in industrial-style spaces for a smart, contemporary finish, especially if used as a backdrop to show off light-coloured furniture.

Your Guide to the Different Types of Wood Flooring

Unfinished or Finished?

Unfinished hardwood flooring is a good option if you want a custom stain applied before the final finish, or if you want to match the color of existing flooring. After hardwood flooring installation and staining, the flooring is given several coats of protective finish. If you’re thinking of adding hardwood flooring in your kitchen, unfinished flooring is a good choice because the finish will penetrate and seal the seams between boards, helping to prevent water from seeping between boards.

Solid or Engineered?

Solid hardwood flooring is all wood and comes 5/8 to 3/4 inches thick. Because it’s solid wood, it can be sanded and refinished many times. However, it’s susceptible to changes in humidity, and isn’t recommended for below-grade basements.

What Species Is Best?

The best hardwood floors are made with wood species that are readily available and — you guessed it — very hard. Oak flooring, maple flooring and cherry flooring are all good choices. Other species include bamboo (which is actually a grass), walnut, ash and mahogany. You’ll pay a premium price for more exotic species, such as teak, jarrah and mesquite. Check to make sure the hardwood flooring you choose comes from sustainably harvested forests.

How Hard Can It Be to Choose a Hardwood Floor?

Choose the Wood Species and Color

Browsing through flooring samples to choose a type of wood and a color for your new floor is probably the most enjoyable part of the process. At this stage, much depends on personal preference and your overall vision for your home.

Consider Wood Grain and Character

The way that logs are sawed into boards has a big effect on the grain pattern that’s visible in the floor.

Prefinished or Site-Finished?

Another major decision is whether to buy prefinished flooring, sold with its final color and topcoat in place, or unfinished flooring that can be stained and finished by an installer after it’s put down.



Floor – walls – ceiling: the three fundamental elements that together create the room’s feel. The interaction between these three surfaces can change the overall impression, depending on the choice of colours, patterns, lighting, etc. The floor creates the room’s base, weight and character, and it is also the basis for the other elements, including the choice of furniture and other decor. The floor is where fashion and style meet function.


A floor is so much more than just something to walk on. The floor, with the walls and ceiling, contributes the room’s fundamental feel. When designing your home, you should perhaps consider the floor first. The floor is the base – whilst you can always repaint walls and ceiling, the floor is of a more permanent nature. The appearance of the floor, i.e. the colour, surface, pattern and hardness, can vary a lot between different wood species. From light, calm Birch or Maple, through Oak and Beech, to dark and vibrant Walnut or Jarrah. Find out as much as you possibly can about different species and what they can mean for you in your home. Your floor sets the mood.


Light, dark or natural? The colour of the floor has a strong impact on how the room is perceived. A dark floor “swallows” a lot of light, but it also creates a sense of warmth and cosiness. A light wood floor reflects the light and adds space to the room.

What to Ask Before Choosing a Hardwood Floor

Where will the wood be going?

Installing hardwood floors on a second story is much different than doing so in a basement. A space beneath ground level is what’s known as below grade. A floor that’s even with the outside ground level is on grade, and any floors above this are above grade. Where you’re installing the wood will limit your recommended options.

What is the subfloor made of?

Find out what kind of subfloor you have. The three most common types are concrete slab, plywood and particleboard. This will help you determine whether you can install solid wood floors, or if an engineered wood would be best.

What are your living habits?

Think about how much abuse your floors will take and learn about specific wood species and their durability. Do you have kids and pets? Have large parties often? Or are you a single person who travels a lot?

Do It Yourself Tankless Water Heaters Installation With Recirculating Pump

How to Choose a New Water Heater

It’s the dead of winter, freezing cold outside, and you seek comfort in the piping hot confines of your morning shower. With the lights dimmed, the water hits your face and rolls over your shoulders. Your muscles relax one by one as the warmness of the water finds its way down your legs to your chilly, restless feet. Lathered with soap and shampoo, you slump against the warming tile, eyes closed. You consider falling back asleep standing fully upright when it happens — a sudden burst of ice cold water hits your chest like acid rain. You crank the cold water down to zero with no result. The water temperature has turned against you, refusing heat in a stubborn show of determination. The cruel reality hits you — your water heater has just bought the farm.

A visit to your local big-box home-improvement store is overwhelming, to say the least. You’re faced with too many brands and too many sizes to choose from. Different fuel sources and energy ratings confuse you. And what’s the deal with these heaters that don’t even have a tank? How on earth can they meet your needs? Unfortunately, your big-box home-improvement employee helps you none — you’re going to have to figure

Electric – uses large coils that hang down into the tank to heat the water. The coils are similar to the ones in an electric oven. Generally, electric water heaters aren’t as efficient as those powered by other fuel sources, and electricity is more expensive than natural gas or propane. However, they’re less expensive up front and don’t require venting. If your water demand is small, then it may be a good way to go.

Natural Gas – uses a gas burner at the bottom of the tank, with a venting chimney that runs through the center and out the top. The carbon dioxide and water vapor byproducts are vented through the chimney and then run outdoors through your house chimney or side wall vent. A gas pilot light or electric spark produces the flame. Natural gas models cost more than electric heaters but are more efficient to operate.

Propane – works in the same way as a natural gas, but uses propane as the fuel source. Propane is generally used as a fuel source when a home doesn’t have access to natural gas. The propane is supplied from a large tank on the property.


Heating water is the second largest single user of energy in the home. While we all enjoy a soothing hot shower, rising energy costs—along with their adverse environmental impact—make it a good time to take a closer look at the various options now available.

Storage Tank: The most common hot water system used in homes. Water is kept constantly heated in the storage tank by electricity, natural gas, oil, or propane. Hot water is drawn out of the top of the tank when a faucet is turned on and cold water flows in the bottom to replace it.

Tankless: Also known as on demand water heaters. Water is heated by electricity or gas when the water flows through it without the need for a tank.

Solar: Water is circulated from the tank through a solar collector where it is heated by the sun. If the water in the tank is not hot enough, a conventional water heater is used to bring it up to the desired temperature

Factors in Choosing a Water Heater

So which type of water heater is right for your home? There are several factors to consider including the price of the system and installation, the cost and availability of energy sources, the energy factor (EF) rating of the water heater, and whether the system meets new water heater regulations.

Water Heater Buying Guide

Purchasing a Water Heater

Whether you’ve just taken that first unexpected and unwelcome cold shower or simply wish to reduce your energy bill, purchasing a new water heater can be an intimidating process

Fuel Source

First, determine what type of fuel source you have in the home. Once you know the fuel source, it’ll be easier to choose a water heater to fit your needs. Here are the differences among electric, gas/propane and hybrid fuel types.

Types of Water Heaters

Consider the size of your family and the utilities in your area to choose the best water heater.

Storage Tank

This is the most common type of water heater. These units have an insulated tank where water is heated and stored until it’s needed. They’re available in electric, liquid propane (LP) and natural gas models. Natural gas and LP water heaters normally use less energy and are less expensive to operate than electric models of the same size. When you buy a water heater, look at its cited energy efficiency and yearly operating costs. This information can be found on the EnergyGuide label.

Tankless or On-Demand

They don’t store hot water; they heat water as it passes through a series of coils in the unit. Since the unit only heats water as you use it, a tankless heater is usually more energy-efficient than a traditional storage tank water heater. They’re available in electric, LP and natural gas models. A tankless unit can provide only a limited flow rate of hot water. Most tankless units can provide up to 3.5 gallons of heated water per minute. These units are a good choice for anyone whose demand doesn’t typically call for hot water at more than two points at a time.

How to choose the right water heater

Tank water heater or tankless water heater? Here is a primer to help you in making the right choice Water heaters are a basic necessity to help in extreme weather conditions. They are the most sought after home equipment for any household. While traditional water heaters are huge in size and consume high energy, there modern counterparts are energy efficient in nature and produce hot water as per need.

Tank water heater

They come in two variants -gas or electric. The tank is insulated to help keep the inner water warm, and a thermostat to control the overall temperature of the water.

Tankless water heater

Tankless Water Heaters are comfortable, energy efficient and convenient. They can provide endless supply of hot water as per one’s need. But the question remains which one to choose – tank water heater or tankless water heater? Here is a primer to help you in making the right choice.

Energy efficiency

The modern tankless water heaters are much more energy efficient than the traditional ones. A tankless water heater heats water only at the time it is being used. Therefore, the energy is consumed only at the time when the heater is on. On the other hand, in the traditional water heater setup, water is stored in a large tank. When the water in the tank cools off, the fuel kicks in and heats it up again. An energy efficient water heater saves your money on electricity bill every month. Before buying a water heater, look for one with a higher energy factor. The cost of tankless water heaters are little higher than their non-energy efficient counterparts but the energy and the savings in future can make up for the initial higher price. Upgrading to a tankless water heating system is a good decision considering the long-term environmental benefits these water heaters provide.

Space matters

A conventional water heater is bulky in size which takes up a good amount of space of your house. The unit needs a moderately large space for installation. On the other hand, tankless water heater contributes towards space saving. It is compact in size and takes up significantly less space than a conventional tank.

Electric, Gas or Propane: How to Choose the Right Water Heater

Electric Water Heater

An electric water heater has the lowest initial cost and requires little maintenance. Venting is not necessary and there is no cause for worry regarding combustion gases. With electric models, the water heats rather quickly. They can offer high energy factor ratings even though gas-powered models operate with greater fuel efficiency.

Storage Tank Heater

The most commonly purchased water heater has a storage tank that constantly heats stored water for household usage. A thermostat detects water temperature and turns on the heating element when needed.

Recovery rate

The recovery rate is listed in terms of numbers of gallons of water heated per hour. It is recommended to select a higher recovery rate for systems that have higher hot water demands

Unit dimensions and installation location

It is likely that a new hot water heater will be larger than an older, replaced model because there is now more insulation built into the storage tank walls. You will have to make sure that you have enough space to install it.

To select the right size tank, you need to plan the amount of water needed for the number of bathrooms, bedrooms, and occupants in the home

Electrical Installation Training To Learn Electrical Skills


Electrical hazards can cause burns, shocks, and electrocution (death). The image above shows multiple National Electric Code (NEC) violations and poor workmanship making it a clear electrical fail. We have listed the specific NEC violations at the end of this post for you to review

Although these are simple issues to repair, and everything in this photo could be fixed for a few hundred dollars, that is not an accurate representation of what the cost would be if these issues were not found in time and caused the electrical system to fail

The true electrical fail in this photo is the person who performed this electrical installation. The photo clearly shows that the person performing the installation didn’t have a true understanding of the National Electric Code or didn’t care about the safety risk they were creating. Violating the National Electric Code and delivering poor workmanship can create a dangerous electrical hazard for the facility as well as other electricians following behind. If these issues were not found and repaired by a licensed electrician, they would have led to shorting and arcing which can cause electrical fires or shock and lead to an extremely high repair cost and OSHA fines all while compromising the safety of employees.

Transworld Electric encourages continuing education for all employees. Please contact us to learn more about the specific training programs we offer to employees.

Transworld Electric is a full-service electrical contractor that specializes in a broad range of electrical services including residential, commercial, industrial electrical services, electrical installation services as well as energized and de-energized electrical testing and customized preventive maintenance programs. Transworld Electric is also an Authorized Generac dealer, TEGG Service Contractor and CurrentSAFE provider. We have an unlimited electrical licensed in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia. You can trust that our electricians will be qualified with the training and experience to handle all your electrical needs.

Choosing and using an electrician

For all our celebrated national love of DIY, when it comes to tackling the electrics, most of us are wise enough to call in the professionals. According to the Electrical Contractor’s Association (ECA), a recent report showed that almost three-quarters of homeowners would not attempt electrical jobs themselves, which means there’s a lot of work out there for a skilled electrician.

Unfortunately there are also a lot of lucrative opportunities for unscrupulous unskilled electricians as well. Incredibly, there is no statutory requirement for electrical contractors to be qualified, so you need to make very sure that you choose someone who is not going to leave you living in a time bomb. As the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) points out, “It’s easy to make an electrical circuit work – it’s far more demanding to make the circuit work safely.”

If you’re having electrical work done, it’s often going to be part of general building work, in which case your chosen builder will probably have a favourite contractor. The Federation of Master Builders (FMB), which has a rigorous vetting procedure and a useful website recommends you take your builder’s advice, as long as you’re generally happy with their credentials.

Electrical installation design methodology

Range of low-voltage extends from 0 V to 1 000 V in a.c. and from 0 V to 1 500V in d.c. One of the first decision is the selection of type of current between the alternative current which corresponds to the most common type of current through out the world and the direct current. Then designers have to select the most appropriate rated voltage within these ranges of voltages. When connected to a LV public network, the type of current and the rated voltage are already selected and imposed by the Utility.

Compliance with national regulations is then the second priority of the designers of electrical installation. Regulations may be based on national or international standards such as the IEC 60364 series.

Selection of equipment complying with national or international product standards and appropriate verification of the completed installation is a powerful mean for providing a safe installation with the expected quality. Defining and complying with the verification and testing of the electrical installation at its completion as well as periodic time will guarantee the safety and the quality of this installation all along its life cycle. Conformity of equipment according to the appropriate product standards used within the installation is also of prime importance for the level of safety and quality.

A review of all applications needing to be supplied with electricity is to be done. Any possible extensions or modifications during the whole life of the electrical installation are to be considered. Such a review aimed to estimate the current flowing in each circuit of the installation and the power supplies needed.

The total current or power demand can be calculated from the data relative to the location and power of each load, together with the knowledge of the operating modes(steady state demand, starting conditions, non simultaneous operation, etc.)

How electricians choose the most suitable protection devices

There are at least four main issues electricians must take care off very carefully when choosing the most suitable protection devices. Of course, there are dozen of other issues, but let’s try to define the most important ones from the aspect of protection: short circuits, overloads, earth faults and surges.

Shorts circuits

This is certainly one of the most tricky issues for electricians designing electrical installations. For this purpose, he must ensure good co-ordination of protection devices

To increase availability of a feeder, we recommend that you supply it as far upstream as possible (near the source) to prevent tripping a protection device for another item of equipment.

On networks with high availability, use of an automatic resetting device may be justified if discrimination is partial or if a short circuit can be eliminated naturally (this is rare). This technique is used in high voltage but seldom in low voltage: a rodent or crawling animal causing a fault leads in most cases to a permanent short circuit fault.


The overload current is seen by the circuit breakers upstream of the faulty load. To prevent tripping of these protection devices

Electric Department lighting and electrical equipment

ANMAR has specialized in electric industry for over twenty years. Electric Department offers cables and wires, lighting, electrical installation equipment, modular apparatus and automation, switchboard’s cabinets, power and hand tools. Among ANMAR’s suppliers there are Philips, Eaton, Legrand, Siemens, Haupa and many more. All available products are high-quality and can be bought at a good price. Experienced staff is always ready to help customers to choose best electrical equipment.

Cables and wires

Cable and wires make the transfer of electrical signals possible. Extensive range of cables and wires make them suitable for all types of application. There are installation wires, control cables, power cables, medium and high voltage cables and many more.


Every house or garden needs good lighting. Thanks to wide range of lighting every customer can choose the best product with suitable colour or shape. Among modern lighting there are classic lamps or very ornamental whereas modern light bulbs are energy-saving and durable.

Electrical installation equipment

Electrical installation equipment – switches, dimmers, sockets – is a very important part of the house’s design. It should be functional but also aesthetic. It is manufactured from various materials, for example metal, glass or wood

Modular apparatus and automation

Modular apparatus protects electrical installations in buildings from for example overvoltage. It can also control and measure. The elements of automation such as controllers or sensors are used in industry and construction sectors where there is need to make processes autimatic.